Above the line advertising promotes products using media like television, radio channels, and the like. This MarketingWit write-up explains above the
Difference Between Product and Institutional Advertising
Advertising is one of the most crucial elements that decides the fate of a particular business in the market, and has different approaches based upon
Paramount Examples of Physical Evidence in Marketing
Physical evidence in marketing focuses on the physical environment in which the service is delivered. This MarketingWit article provides you with some
Explanation of Testimonial Propaganda With Examples
Testimonial propaganda is a very popular and clever tactic used by companies to endorse their products effectively. Find an explanation of testimonial
The Concept of Cooperative Advertising Explained with Examples
In 'cooperative advertising', the advertisement costs are shared by two or more parties so as to enjoy the benefits of reduction in marketing costs.
The Potential Threat of Marketing Myopia Explained With Examples
Marketing myopia is a narrow-minded approach to a marketing situation, wherein an organization focuses more on its product offerings rather than its
Easily Understanding Behavioral Segmentation With Proper Examples
Of the various market segmentation techniques, behavioral segmentation is a strategy that involves the division of customers on the basis of their
Marketing Guide: Ethical Appeal Explained With Apt Examples
Ethical appeal is a skill of persuasion that bases itself on the credibility and trust regarding the persuader. MarketingWit elaborates on this
Meaning of Substitute and Complementary Goods in Economics With Examples
Substitutes are those goods that serve the same purpose as the original and can be used as an alternative. On the other hand, complementary goods are