The craze for summer jobs is something that attracts students to enter in the professional world and earn some money besides gaining good work experience. What jobs can college students do? Keep reading to know more about the same question.
You simply can’t afford to waste your summer holidays unless you’re not planning for a family trip. No matter you’re a teacher or a student, summer break is the only big holiday you may get in the grueling year-long academic season wherein you can do something extra for yourself. The most productive utilization of summer holidays is to work in various summer jobs. Tuition fees and high cost of living have increased exponentially over the years.
As college students, you can make the most of your holiday time by earning good money in summer jobs. You may not be paid fat salaries during your these jobs (that is obvious) but certainly, you can earn a month’s pocket money, that is quite good to make your both ends meet in the coming months. For high school students, the opportunity to sit in interviews for jobs in summer vacations are also arranged by college placement cells.
Even teachers can work in variety of these jobs. For teachers, if it is not about making money, it can be beneficial for gaining some extra work experience. For students, summer jobs are also a great way to identify their skills of communication in the practical world. Moreover, jobs during summers also help students to know more about their interest areas and jobs that they will love to do in future.
Even if you’re not thinking very deeply about benefits of summer jobs, one thing is for sure that you will make money by working in a summer job and money is something that you’ll definitely love to earn! Believe me, there are some wonderful jobs that you’ll enjoy doing. So break free from tiresome classes schedule and enjoy some fun to do jobs this summer!
Summer Jobs for College Students: Best Options
If I tell you that even in your college campus, you may find some typical part-time jobs, then don’t be surprised. For instance, consider the option of tutoring college students that are many years junior to you. Or you can also try home tutoring in local areas for students of lower classes. Besides these, there are various on and off campus jobs in colleges. Some of the well paying part-time jobs for students are as follows.
Hotel Desk Work
Nothing is better than a hotel desk work, if you’re aiming to enter in the hospitality center. Getting to know customers and observing them will give you some valuable job experiences. The demerit is that you may be unable to switch to your study during working hours. But it is a good job in summers, especially when number of visitors increase in hotels. The pay can be US$9 per hour.
College Desk Attendant
Even in your college, you may work as desk attendant for campus security, especially in the night shift, if you’ve got the habit of waking till late night. While you can make US$8 to US$10 per hour, you may be able to study at night, when there is low traffic entering and leaving the dorms.
Library Assistants
If you love reading, there is no better place to work than a library. Try for various part-time assistant jobs in campus library or public libraries. You’ll earn at least US$6 to US$8 per hour besides some decent environment to study.
Fitness Trainers
A cool job but only for those who have worked hard upon themselves by training in the gym. If you’re a fitness freak, you can surely work as a fitness trainer. Your workout skills can help you earn money. Inquire in your college fitness center and also check in your locality for requirements of assistant or part-time fitness trainers. You’ll be able to make more than $10 per hour in most of the gyms!
Computer Lab Assistant
If you love understanding computers’ hardware and software, you can work as a part-time computer lab assistant even in your college. You can also look for off campus jobs in this category. $7 to $13 per hour can be earned by students working part-time.
Child Care
If you love hanging around with kids, it is one of the most interesting and easy to find summer jobs. Thousands of teenagers looking for jobs in their vacations are hired as a caregivers by working parents. The fun part of this job is that to keep the children engaged, you also get the opportunity to visit amusement parks, picnic resorts, museums and baseball stadiums. But on the flip side, you need to be responsible for the safety of the child, and so you need to be careful at every step of this job.
Amusement Parks
Now, this is another interesting job for part-timers, who want fun and money, both. Theme parks all across the US provide several job opportunities during summers, right from supervising the rides to selling tickets! So, check out in your local amusement parks, if you can strike a good a deal and have loads of fund besides earning some decent money for your party and savings!
Retail Sector
Malls and giant superstores are the other places to look for jobs besides the already popular hospitality sector. Working in any of the several departments of a superstore or a mall exposes teenagers to a whole new world of sales, supply chain management and customer service. Such jobs also provide an opportunity to improve social and communication skills.
College students must understand that they can only get these jobs if they show competence and willingness to work for the employers. College students can conduct a job search in retail stores, bar-tending, restaurants and various types of assistant works in several fields. Part-time summer jobs in 2012 are not something different from previous years; however, they have evolved in a way that employers, school placement offices and even governments in many states have collaborated to increase opportunities in summer jobs for students.
Students must ensure that they should choose jobs depending on their interest area and they must involve their parents in the decision-making. They must also be aware of the dates of school reopening, so that they can prepare adequately to come back for their classes without getting late!