A cover letter, though not as significant as a resume, has its own significance. Find the details of the research assistant cover letter, here in this article.
Formal documents need to be written in a defined and simple way. The formatting needs to be kept extremely professional. Documents play an important role in the professional world and cannot be sidelined. One should thus have knowledge of writing various business documents like resumes, cover letters, thank you letters, etc. Letter writing also constitutes business etiquette, and will help create a good impression. A cover letter is a means to communicate with the recruiter and get across points that are not, or cannot be, mentioned in the resume.
When you draft a resume to the recruiters, a cover letter also has to be sent along with it. A cover letter gives you an opportunity to introduce yourself to the recruiter. Recruiters receive thousands of job applications daily; making selecting and calling the required number of candidates difficult. The way the cover letter is written tells the recruiter a lot about the candidate. Thus enough thought should be given before finalizing the content of the letter.
The Format: A cover letter, being a formal letter, follows a simple layout and format, and includes all the fields a formal letter normally has. This includes address of the sender and receiver, date, greeting/salutation, subject line and valediction. The content of the cover letter should be well thought and written. Look at what all you should write and not write in a cover letter.
The Content: A cover letter is simply a means of communication with the recruiter, to inform how you came to know about the job opening and why you are suitable for the job. In a cover letter you should describe yourself, your goals and why you wish to apply for the concerned post. The cover should not be too lengthy and should not include the details of your educational qualifications.
Henry Reynolds C-3, Nelson Street California-0000 Phone: 123-123-123 [email protected] (Date) To Subject: Application for the post of a research assistant. To Whomsoever It May Concern, I am very excited about the opening for the post of research assistant in your esteemed organization, and through this letter, I wish to apply for the same. I have the appropriate educational qualifications and have completed my Bachelors in Computer Studies from the South Carolina University. Although I will be a fresher in this job, I can confidently say that I have a sound and extensive knowledge of computers. I have also participated in many college quizzes and have submitted many research papers concerning computer studies. Mathematics and computers have always been of interest to me, and I love problem solving and computer research. The computer field is a vast field and I believe there is a lot more to explore. It is my inquisitive nature and love for computers that draws me to this post, and if given an opportunity I will do full justice to the post and contribute to positive research. I have provided my complete address at the top of the letter, in case you wish to correspond. Thanking you and hoping for the best. Sincerely, Encl.: Resume. |
This was a sample of a research assistant cover letter. The significance of a cover letter has already been mentioned above. It is imperative to proofread the letter for any mistakes and blunders like spellings and/or grammar as you don’t want to give a bad impression to the recruiter. All the best!