A lot of people have taken up part-time jobs to supplement their primary source of income. There are numerous options available in the market if you are interested in working for a few extra hours. We will take a look at these jobs in this post.
Whether you are a student who is finding it a bit difficult to make ends meet or a full-time employed person who wants to have some extra cash, part-time jobs are the best possible solution. In the last five years, a lot of changes have taken place in the market, courtesy the sub-prime crisis, and this has made people to look out for a passive sources of income. Because of this, more and more people are taking up part-time jobs and this has opened new avenues in the market.
Online Jobs
Among various other things, internet has opened up a new industry for people who can work from the confines of their home. There are numerous companies which offer job-opportunities to budding writers, photographers, search-engine optimizers, medical coders and transcriptionists, by allowing them to submit their work online. This has allowed many individuals to work for established names without the need of shifting their base. Significant among this new industry is the emergence of article-websites, which allow an individual to write on a given subject of his choice and then his work is published on the website to a global audience. The salary is paid according to the pageviews that a write-up gets, but there are numerous companies which provide a fixed, monthly payment to its employees. You can also help in marketing the product of a company by reviewing its products through blogs. There are a lot of reviewers in the market whose word matters the most when it comes to buying a product and these reviewers make a decent amount of money through their reviews. To succeed in this field, you need to ensure that you know a great deal about the product and the review is devoid of any prejudice or bias. Another part-time job that has created a buzz in the market is online-surveys. It is the simplest way to make money on the internet as it does not require one to be skilled or a pro in any subject. Basically, all one has to do is sign up with a company and fill out an online survey. This helps the company to get a feedback on their products and you get paid for your opinion. There are some websites though, which promise a fortune to its participants, aimed at deceiving people, and you should do a background-check before investing your time with such companies.
Well, there is a lot of talk about how monotonous and stressful call-center jobs are, but these offer a good opportunity for complementing your income, and given the flexible work schedules, one can easily plan working there on a part-time basis. Call-center representatives are required to answer queries of customers over the phone, while in some representatives have to call potential and existing customers for new sales and feedback. Described by many as modern-day ‘sweat-shops’, a call-center job asks for an ability to be calm and patient while addressing the grievances of the customers. These pay relatively well, and the employees get access to other benefits like insurance, night-allowances, bonus. Some call-centers may even offer a pick-n-drop service to its employees. Given the facilities and allowances, many industry experts believe that the call-center industry offers some of the best jobs for individuals.
Hotels and Restaurants
Many hotels and restaurants which are open 24×7 require receptionists and front-desk attendants to cater to their customers. Students mostly prefer working in the night-clubs as waiters, bartenders, animators etc. as not only do these jobs pay well, but these also help them to enjoy the night life without burning a hole in their pocket. There are several institutions across America which offer a training course for individuals aspiring to work as bartenders and waiters.
Auto-Detailing and Property-Maintenance
If you are looking for evening jobs, then auto-detailing and property-maintenance can be of good interest to you. These are also low on start-up costs and do not take much of your time. Helping companies in property-maintenance by mowing and gardening can not only help you with a decent amount of money, but also help you get some physical exercise.
One important thing that you need to remember while taking up any of these jobs is that you need to prepare yourself both physically and mentally. After working hard all day, our body needs rest and if it is put to further strain, it can have long-term effects. So, before taking up these jobs, do see to it that you are not putting your health at risk. If there is no other alternate to work night shifts, then make sure that you are taking care of your body by having meals at regular intervals, getting adequate amounts of sleep and doing mild physical exercises. In the end, we hope that this article helps you to determine which night job will work best for you.