CC or Carbon Copy is an important element of a business letter. Not many are aware of its actual placement in a letter. As such, we tell you how to use CC in a business letter, here.
Formal letters still hold a very important place in the business world. While e-mail has taken over most of our communication tools, some situations still require communication to be carried out via a formal letter on paper. Among all the elements of a business letter, there is one element known as CC, that may or may not be used in the letter. Here, we talk about the appropriate use and placement of this element in a business letter.
What is CC?
Before we understand how to use cc, we ought to understand what it means. CC refers to Carbon Copy, and consists of names of individuals to whom the letter has been sent along with the primary recipient of the letter. This is important, say in legal issues where you send a copy of the letter to the prime recipient as well as your lawyer, as a form of evidence. So how is CC used in a business letter?
Using CC in a Business Letter
Though the reference in this entire article has been made by writing CC in the upper case, in a business letter it can also be written in the lower case, i.e. cc. You may CC a letter to more than one recipient, and these names will be listed one below the other in the letter. The placement of the CC comes after you have ended the letter with your signature and name, and a mention of any other enclosures. Every recipient will notice a CC that consists of the names of the other recipients of this letter.
Given below is an example of the use of CC in a business letter, which will help you better understand how it is used.
Example of a Resignation Letter with CC
Manager’s Name Subject: Notice of Resignation Salutation: Dear Ms./Mr., First Paragraph: Introductory Paragraph Second Paragraph: Body of Letter Third Paragraph: Conclusion Closing: (Sincerely) Signature Sender’s Name Encl: (if any) CC: Name of Other Recipient 1 (Concerned Person in Human Resource Department – With department name mentioned) |
This was one example of how CC can be used in a business letter. Taking the aforementioned example into consideration, if there is a specific reason why you are leaving the job which you would like to raise in the letter, but do not want the HRD to know about it, you have to be careful. In some cases, what is discussed in one letter cannot be shared with another department. However, the gist of the letter remains the same. In such a case it would be advisable to draft two separate letters to avoid any such situation or confusion. Hopefully you have now understood how to use CC in a business letter and will be able to use it in the appropriate manner.