A toxic workplace can not only cause a restless routine and career, but also suppress your capacities mentally and physically. Most of the time, walking out is not the only solution due to the economic climates. Another possible option is to deal with or survive the toxic workplace.
Have you been drained lately? Is going to office a task and a drag to your mind? If your office is a place governed by negative waves, irritating co workers/ managers, and a blurred prospect, you may just be punching 9 hours of work in a toxic workplace. It is important to understand this term, in the first place. Some lazy heads will blame their unprofessional attitude on the employer, for no rational reason.
A toxic workplace can be defined where absenteeism, poor work production and output is on a roll, silent wars or disturbances in co workers or/and management and staff, bullying employees or boss, foul language or racist and sexist atmosphere/comments. Some other points include: lack of energy and enthusiasm in employees, ignoring and avoiding social events in office, high number of politics and conflicts in the workplace. Well this defines the outline of the toxic workplace.
Dealing with a Toxic Workplace
A toxic workplace can affect the individual socially and personally too. Moreover when it is toxic, It is contagious! Chances are that these fumes will drag you down to blend you completely in them. When you cannot quit because of the economy and many other reasons, learn how to survive in a negative environment.
- The most common but rarely favored option is to quit and walk out of the toxic place. If you know you are right and can do better at a better place, get out of there right now. Again many obligations may not keep this option accessible.
- Another practical solution for survival is the ‘EAP’ which is the Employee Assistance Program, if your company has such a program, you may want to consult with a counselor.
- Plan for a change. And this does not mean in your job only. Understand what is affecting you and how is it affecting you. Make plans or find solutions to tackle these issues. You can share or discuss this with your best buddies or your family for inputs. Discuss this with your seniors and managers that are approachable. Chalk plans that will develop positivity in the workplace, combat absenteeism and motivate co workers.
- Engage in activities that will make you feel happy outside work. Maybe a hobby or any other activity like taking up an extra study class can help you relax after office. Exercise for a better body and mind, this will keep you away from stress and frustration. Get yourself out of the routine and learn something new, hang out with friends and family to de-stress.
- If you know what you want can be right out there, hunt for better jobs and prospects. Finding a new job will help energize you again. You may want to talk to the HR, to help you with this.
- Another important thing is to face and accept the reality. Make your mind acknowledge and come to terms with the fact that ‘this is what you have and will have to deal with this for sometime’, it will help you realize and control your mind and thoughts.
- Look at the positive side of the job. The fact that your job still helps you earn and support a living can be the highlight. Not everyone in office can be bad. You may have friends and well wishers in office too. If the office has given you benefits and opportunities at any point, think about them.
- Enjoy the facilities in your work place, if they have an excellent pool or a gym, or an amazing set up and interior. Well it may sound silly but appreciating these small things can make the difference.
- Learn to set boundaries and even when it is work in a toxic place for a toxic person. Keep distance, do not get yourself too attached to your work. Follow your routine, make new friends, and yes learn to say ‘no’, wherever necessary. This will help you take control rather than the bully taking control of you.
Plan your work, improve social connections, be the positive one in office and surround yourself with good work, good thoughts and good people. Keep away from all that is toxic at work. Not all offices remain toxic, and you cannot have a dream job that treats you like a prince/princess. This is a practical and economically influenced world. Every job will have a few flaws and you may have issues. But learn to cope with them, rather I would say, just think there can be worse things than this job. Example: think of the people who do not have a job at all!
Right. There we go, so we are employed and we are happy. We are strong too, so face it, deal with it. I know it is not so casual and easy, but I am trying to lighten this up here. For all those working in toxicity, do not sulk, rise with new developmental plans. All the best!