In this article, we will take a look at some tips which will be helpful to you while choosing a career counselor.
The demand for career counselors has increased in the last few years. This is primarily because of the fact that there are numerous careers out there and deciding which one is suitable for your kind of skills may sometimes be a bit perplexing. Career counselors help students to find a career which will allow them to use their skills and abilities in the best possible way. It may open up new avenues for you and introduce you to certain careers you thought never existed. Career counselors also help an individual in introspection and do a self-evaluation. Career counselors are sought not only by students but by professionals also who want to advance in their respective professions. Job aspirants also take the help of career counselors to help them in getting recruited. So, if you have decided that you need a career counseling to guide you through, you should know a good deal about how to go about finding one for yourself. We will take a look at some factors which one should keep in mind while choosing a career counselor.
Choosing a Career Counselor
Before you set out to choose a career counselor, you should do a bit of introspection about why you need a career counselor. You should decide whether you want guidance on a particular career or you want him to completely decide the new career field for you. The key in choosing a career counselor lies in your requirements, some counselors may focus determining the overall strategy which would help you in your career, while as career coaches may help you to improve on a special skill.
You should start your search by getting referrals from your friends and relatives. It is highly likely that they would provide you with some valuable information that you might not get on ‘Yellow pages’ or in the advertisements. You can ask them about the method which is employed by a particular career counselor, along with knowing what they felt were the strengths and weaknesses of the counselor. A referral is one of the effective way of finding a quality career counselor as you get to know the first-hand information, which is impartial and unbiased.
If you are not able to find help through friends and relatives, then the next step for you would be to research about career counselors on the Internet. Although, the official websites of career counseling firms may not tell you the complete picture, there are several blogs where people put their feedback about their experiences with their career counselors. Select at least five to six names and contact them to inquire if you can have a free initial consultation.
The next step in the process of finding a career counselor is to attend the free initial consultation, and gauge whether the counselor is able to analyze you completely. If you feel that the career counselor has been impressive, do not pay up straightaway. It is better to look around a bit more and see if others are better suited for your requirements. Ideally, in the first meeting itself, you will get an idea whether the counselor would be able to help you or not. One important thing you should remember is that do not expect overnight results as it takes a sustained effort from both of you to make the whole counseling process a success. The counselor can only help you in developing certain skills, but the responsibility to put theory into action lies on you.
The average cost of an hour of career counseling is around $160, however, the fee depends on a large extent on the reputation of the counselor. While numerous people may advice you to choose a career counselor with the highest qualification, we would rather advise you to choose one who is effective and one you are comfortable with. This in no way means that you should not check the necessary credentials, like the counselor should be a member of the National Career Development Association or should be a Nationally Certified Career Development Professional.
In the end, we would like to add that a career counselor can be really beneficial in helping you get a clarity on what you want to do. So, if you are doubtful about what job role would be the most suitable for your skills and attributes, you should definitely take the help of a career counselor.