Wondering where and how you’ll find your dream job? Take the CareerStint’s quiz, and find out what job is right for you.
Most people don’t really take the matter very seriously as to what careers or jobs they’d wish to pursue, but the constant realization from their parents and friends can be one of the factors. After graduation, not everyone gets to do their dream jobs and the fight to reach that pedestal can be tricky. Not to mention, many people end up working where they have absolutely no desire or passion to be. So why suffocate your wishes and work with an organization where your heart doesn’t support it? This quiz will not only give you insights into what careers are out there, but will also provide you with recommendations and information regarding what jobs will suit you.
The Quiz
The following quiz has 10 questions for you to answer. While taking the quiz, keep a note of your answers. If you’ve selected majority of 1, 2, or 3, once you reach the conclusion, jump to the appropriate results to get an individual assessment.
If you got the opportunity to be known as one of the famous people on the planet, would you be willing?
- Yes! Why won’t I? It’s a great opportunity.
- Maybe; I’m not greedy about fame, but if I get the opportunity.
- No, I would decline. I don’t really want people stalking me.
Is there a particular salary range you’d wish to earn?
- My salary has to be at least USD 130,000 or higher.
- My salary has to be between USD 70,000 to USD 85,000.
- I’ll be satisfied to work till USD 40,000 to USD 5,000.
At work, do you think you can work under pressure and stressful conditions?
- I am fine with working under pressure; in fact I do very well in those situations.
- I’d wish to avoid such situations as much as possible.
- I don’t really have any preference.
When you read the newspaper, which section are you mostly fond of?
- Arts and Entertainment; I love to learn about what’s going on out there.
- Business; I enjoy learning about the current market conditions.
- Crossword puzzles; I’m a huge fan.
Would you like your job to be predictable and flexible?
- I don’t mind flexible, but predictable jobs scare me.
- I don’t mind predictable, but flexible jobs don’t really motivate me.
- I don’t really have any preference.
If we happen to speak to your professor about you, he/she would say that …
- I am really good at logically reasoning with people.
- I am great with numbers.
- I am great with machines.
Do you wish to travel around the world for your job?
- I love traveling and if I can combine this hobby with my job, then it will be perfect.
- Occasional traveling is fine by me.
- Not an enthusiastic traveler.
At work, what type of attire would you like to wear?
- Formal dress code
- Uniform dress code
- Casual dress code
What is your educational background? What level have you finished or are about to complete?
- Postgraduate
- Community College graduate
- High School graduate
Would you prefer a growth oriented organization where you can work hard and show results?
- Yes! I am very much interested.
- I don’t wish to be pressured into giving results.
- No, I don’t desire working with such an organization.
The Result
Now that you took the quiz, it’s time for the results. Here, you need to refer to your notes you took (about the majority of 1, 2, or 3 answers) and count which number ranks highest. According to that, you will jump to the corresponding results.
Mostly 1’s
With the selection of answers you chose, you can become a sales manager, a college professor, an advertising sales agent, a human resource manager, a public relations specialist, a real estate appraiser, a social service manager, a writer, a surgeon, or a psychologist.
Mostly 2’s
With the selection of answers you chose, you can become an IT analyst, social service manager, an editor, a human resources manager, an engineer, a physical scientist, a school administrator, or a public relations specialist.
Mostly 3’s
With the selection of answers you chose, you can become a landscape architect, a music director/composer, a coach or scout, camera operator for television, video, or even motion picture, or a merchandise displayer.
Money and security is important, when it comes to choosing a career. However, if you don’t feel passionate about waking up every morning and heading to work, no money in the world is worth it. Everyone finds various career opportunities, and determining yours depends on your hard work and dedication. These are my opinions and you don’t necessarily have to agree or accept them. You know yourself more than anyone else in this world. So ask yourself what you are searching for to give you the satisfaction. Trust me, the answers will come.