Just like ads related to your previous searches pop up while net surfing, Google with its new idea, Google TV ads, intends to make ads on TV more viewer oriented. Read along to find out more.
Try Till You Succeed
This was definitely a motto for Google TV ads as a prior attempt to launch this idea folded in the year 2012.
Is it just us or every time you see a bucket scrumptiously good juicy fried chicken on TV you instantly develop the hankering of biting into a bucket of it? Whatever the case may be, we blame the power of some shamelessly good advertising for it.
Advertising is a type of market communication that is used to woo the audience to take up or continue an action in return for some commercial benefit. Advertisers try to increase the consumption of the commodity they’re selling by creating a brand name for the product.
Early forms advertising include oral advertising, calligraphic signboards, and paintings. As the modern age of technology dawned upon us, the field of advertising underwent a series of transitions from radios to television to the internet.
Google revolutionized the field of advertising when it came up with the concept of web ads, where the advertisers would have to pay only for the views the ad got. Taking this concept to the next level, Google has developed a similar concept for television ads.
What are Google TV Ads?
Google intends to make your television experience much like your web browsing session, where the viewer will get to see ads that are targeted specifically towards him/her. Here, the ads displayed on your television would be based on certain criteria.
It’ll take into account the viewer’s geographical location along with program, along with which it is being aired just like the traditional method. What makes Google TV ads unique and more viewer-specific is the fact that it takes into account the viewer’s viewing history.
Google intends to use Google Fiber, its broadband internet and cable television service, to launch this idea. The user of this service in Kansas City, are the guinea pigs of the first test run.
How Would Google TV Ads Work?
With Google TV ads, Google and advertisers would have access to the viewing history of the viewer. These ads will be shown during the existing breaks along with national ads on live TV and DVR recorded programs. Google claims that these ads will be shown in real-time and will be in accordance to the above-mentioned criteria.
Using the data on the set-top boxes, it could determine what ads are to be shown. In addition, the advertisers would know exactly how many times their ad is being view in a household. Google also claims that the advertisers could limit the number of times their ad is being viewed to prevent the viewer from getting irritated by it. What makes it even better for the advertisers is that they only need to pay for the ads being viewed and can thus save loads of money they spend on advertising.
Even while watching a DVR recorded program, Google promises to stream in fresh ads that would be more relevant to the viewer’s experience. Although the viewer may not be able to opt out of Google TV ads, Google provides an option to disable ads by viewing history.
What are the Roadblocks for Google TV Ads?
A major concern about this idea is that of privacy of the viewer. As what the “viewing history” of the viewer means is still unclear, and what does it mean to opt out, is not well explained.
Other cable companies might not be very keen to incorporate this service if and when it is available to them as it may significantly reduce the revenue generated by the advertisers.
Targeted advertising might be an old trick from the web, but with all the privacy concerns raised whether or not this idea will be welcomed with open arms, only time will tell.