This article on short careers that pay good is for people who want jobs which don’t require high educational qualification and have short training periods. If you are one of those who wants to go for the jobs that no one wants to opt for, you might find this article very interesting…
Don’t think that only MBA and PhD holders are the one’s who earn all the money, the world is also filled with jobs which don’t require a degree and many months of training. These jobs are not publicized as much as the jobs which require high academic qualification, but these jobs are the ones which give you great career prospects and a good salary package. Most of these jobs are pretty easy to understand as their training period is very short and most people perform it with much ease. Just some daily hours of hard work and concentration and you will be an employed person with a steady income.
Short Careers that Pay Well
Finding good careers that pay well with short term training is not that difficult. The world is filled with such opportunities, and yes, the pay might not be that great in the beginning, but after some fruitful years of hard work you can surely earn a decent living.
Scuba Diver
If you are a complete water baby, then the job of a scuba diver is probably the best for you. There are various scuba diving institutes all over the US from where you can complete your certification course which is not that difficult. These institutes educate and also help you get placed in various companies who have requirements for scuba divers. Scuba divers can work in various fields such as marine life, underwater welding and underwater construction. Scuba divers should be expert swimmers and they do train for several weeks depending on the projects undertaken by them. Yes, the job is very adventurous but it’s also takes a toll on your physical health. On an average a scuba diver earns up to $55,000 to $70,000.
Baggage Handler
Another example of short careers that pay good is the job of a baggage handler. Almost every airport in the world has baggage handlers, and since most airports have a union labor, the salary is often decided by the union and the respective airline. As a baggage handler you should be properly trained to lift, carry, load, unload different pieces of luggage of the cargo and passengers. As a baggage handler you might also be trained to operate with freight. Your training consists of smooth and safe handling of the customers luggage, in addition to that, proper grooming and professional behavior on the job is necessary. Most baggage handlers are also well versed with the entire baggage handling department of the airport and they earn almost $27,000 a year.
Submarine Cook
This job sounds very unusual but is perfect for those people who are a weird combination of patriotism and cooking skills. As a submarine cook with more than 4 years of experience you can more than $100,000; sounds very unrealistic but it’s very true. The base pay of a submarine cook is $60,000 and you reach the $100,000 mark just with the bonuses which the US navy offers. You see, a submarine cook holds a very important position in the navy because he is responsible for the feeding of all the people working on the submarine. A submarine cook gets a bonus of $50,000 for just reporting to his duty. Sure this job is a little off the hook but it has its perks.
Crop Duster Pilot
Most people rush to the offices of big airlines when they get their pilot licenses so that they fly their aircraft high in the sky. However, there’s a different breed of pilots who do their work little above the ground, they are called crop duster pilots. These pilots have to navigate their planes at a dangerously low level and make sure the plane doesn’t crash in the houses and doesn’t cut power lines. People who are up for this dangerous job train for almost a month and the pay package is almost $90,000.
Truck Drivers
This job is not that exciting but can be very dangerous if you are delivering goods in a dangerous area. Being a truck driver means you are on the road for major part of the year but if you are hired by a good company then you have a high chance of getting a good pay package. Freshers get a starting salary of $35,000 and drivers with experience in driving trucks can earn up to $65,000 every year. For this job no college or high school education is required, so this job may suit some people very well.
Medical Assistants Jobs
Doctors, surgeons, physicians, dentists, orthodontists cannot function without medical assistants. Medical assistants help doctors and surgeons by performing administrative duties and completing the basic clinical tasks. They work in doctor’s clinics, offices and hospitals. They are also responsible for keeping a track of the patient’s medical progress and scheduling appointments for future visits. Their salary package basically depends on the venue of employment, normally a medical assistant earns $20,000 to $27,000.
You need good education to make your life good but for people who couldn’t complete their education, the above given jobs are the best answer for a good life.