A salesperson salary always depends upon the number of sales he/she does for his company. So let’s know some further details about the job and pay package of a salesperson.
A salesperson is the actual brand ambassador of the company. You can find a salesperson almost in every shop and departmental store. They are hired to assist you and solve your doubts and difficulties. Their main aim is to provide you the best service and advise you as to which product is the best for you. Their special skills, smart and intelligent communication help you get convinced that the product that is the best for you. You can actually call a sales executive a wizard, so let’s have a look at salesperson salary and job description.
Salesperson Job Description
As I’ve said earlier, salespersons are the real brand ambassadors of the company. A job description of a salesman is to promote or market the company’s products using their marketing skills. They are the middlemen between the company and their products. Salespeople are the ones who are the main revenue earners of the company and they also have a direct impact on how the customers perceive their company and its products. The manner in which a salesperson behaves with his customer often says a lot about the company he’s working for and their products. It also conveys about sales training and the environment in which the company keeps it’s employees.
There are two types of sales people in this world. One who takes a direct call and one who takes the B2B or Business to Business call. When you talk about a direct sales call, you mean a direct customer interaction. This type of job covers a major part of sales which means from personal insurance to home improvements, share market and even the sales executive you see at Wal-Mart.
B2B means Business to Business. This means working for a company and selling services or products to other businesses. This is a direct interaction between two companies where one company outsources to another. If you’re employed as a Business to Business salesman, you basically deal in business meetings of two companies.
Salesperson Average Salary
Basic salary, commissions and sales incentives are the major parts which make up the salary of a salesman. In some cases, even stock options are given to them. The salary range of a salesperson ranges from $25,000 to $75,000 annually. The commission of a salesperson depends on the total revenue or the profit margin of the company. Commissions usually are granted keeping the salesperson’s cash compensation package in mind. Commissions will usually account for a major part of the pay package when sales are low, high or when the sales are completely dependent on the skills of the salesperson. It’s always noted that salespeople with a higher technical knowledge do higher sales than people with low technical knowledge. This doesn’t mean that people who are not from a technical background shouldn’t be a salesperson. In any sales job, technical and convincing knowledge both play a very important part.
Commissions often change with different commission plans and these plans are based on the priorities of the company. If the company plans to come out and build a big market share, it tends to award larger commissions to salespeople who make more sales with their effective sales negotiations skills and techniques. Sales commissions are always more when your company has introduced new products and it’s expected to gain huge profits from it.
Regardless of whichever industry they work in, salespersons play a very important role in the success of their companies. It doesn’t matter which product or service a salesperson is selling, the main job is to sell it and make sure that the customers believe in them. Some sales representatives also spend their time traveling and visiting clients and interested buyers.
I hope this article on salesperson salary and job description has helped you understand the job of a salesperson in detail. Always remember that using the right tips in making sales. The training that you have taken and understood is going to help you survive in this field of buying and selling.