An important part of employee training is to get them acquainted with all the basic safety measures. Here’s an article on some safety topics that should be discussed at work. Some of the subjects are field specific of course, but they make it to the critical safety topics list nevertheless.
Training employees about handling equipment and the other facilities at the workplace is very important for maintaining employee and workplace safety. It is essential on the part of the management to ensure that the employees feel confident and secure while handling complex equipment they have to work with everyday.
It is also crucial to ensure that the employees are provided an ergonomically sound workplace, and to teach them the correct way of handling certain substances that they have to work with and the ill-effects of not complying with the rules laid down by the company. The topic of workplace safety isn’t only restricted to the hazards that may be posed by the various equipment.
Sometimes, the inherent nature of the job makes it potentially risky. For example, the job of a watchman or guard inherently entails possible encounters and face-offs with criminals. Hence, proper training also has to be provided in such cases so that the employees are aware of the protocol to be followed in case of impending danger. Here are some workplace safety topics for your perusal.
- Abrasive Blasting
- Acrylamide Safety
- Acrylonitrile Safety
- Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES)
- Aerosol Safety
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Safety and Injury Prevention
- Ammonia Safety
- Anthrax
- Anthropometry
- Antineoplastic Agents
- Antimony
- Asbestos Safety
- Arsenic Safety
- Asphalt Fumes
- Asthma and Allergies
- Avian Influenza (Flu)
- Back Injury – How to Avoid
- Benzene Safety
- Beryllium
- Bicycle Saddles and Reproductive Health
- Bike Messenger Safety
- Blood-borne Infectious Diseases (HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C)
- Boiler Safety
- 2-Butoxyethanol Safety
- Cadmium Safety
- Cancer (Occupational)
- Carbon Disulfide Safety
- Carbonless Copy Paper
- Carbon Monoxide Safety
- Carbon Monoxide Dangers in Boating
- Carbon Monoxide Hazards from Small Gas Powered Engines
- Chemical Hazards for Emergency Respondents
- Chemical Storage Safety
- Chest Radiography
- Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention
- Chlorine Safety
- Chloroform Safety
- Chromium Safety
- Cobalt Safety
- Cold Storage Use Safety
- Cold Stress
- Commercial Aviation in Alaska
- Commercial Fishing Safety
- Confined Spaces
- Construction Site Safety
- Control Banding
- Correctional Health Care Workers
- Decompression Sickness and Tunnel Workers
- Deepwater Horizon Response: Gulf of Mexico Oil Cleanup
- Dentistry Tools and Chemical Safety
- Dermatitis – Symptoms and Basic Cures
- Dimethylformamide
- 1,4-Dioxane
- Direct-reading Methods
- Disaster Site Management
- Dry Cleaner Safety
- Earthquake Cleanup and Response
- Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF)
- Electrical Safety
- Emergency Medical Services Workers
- Emergency Preparedness for Business
- Emergency Response Resources Directory
- Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS)
- Engineering Controls
- Engineering Education in Occupational Safety and Health
- Equipment Use
- Ergonomic Interventions in the Building, Repair, and Dismantling of Ships
- Ergonomic Tips: Stretching and Moving for your Health
- Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Ergonomics to Prevent Upper Extremity Cumulative Trauma Disorders
- Ethylene Glycol Safety
- Ethylene Oxide Safety
- Exposome and Exposomics
- Eye Protection from Chemicals
- Fall Injury Prevention
- Fibrous Glass
- Firefighter Fatality Investigations
- Fire Safety
- Flavorings-Related Lung Disease
- Flight Crew Research Program at NIOSH
- Flu in the Workplace – Seasonal Influenza
- Foot Protection
- Formaldehyde Safety
- General Lifting Guidelines
- Genetics in the Workplace
- Glutaraldehyde Safety
- Green, Safe, and Healthy Jobs – Prevention through Design
- H1N1 Influenza Virus (Swine Flu)
- Hand Protection
- Hazardous Drug Exposures in Healthcare
- Hazardous Materials Disposal
- Health Care
- Heart Disease
- Heat Stress
- Hexavalent Chromium
- Highway Work Zones
- Horse Racing – Safety and Health
- Hydrogen Chloride Safety
- Hydrogen Cyanide Safety
- Hydrogen Peroxide Safety
- Hydrogen Sulfide Safety
- Hydroquinone Safety
- Hydrazine Safety
- Indoor Environmental Quality
- Indoor Firing Ranges
- Industrial Forklifts Operator Safety
- Industry and Occupation Coding and Support
- Influenza – Seasonal
- Insects and Scorpions
- Isocyanates
- Jacks
- Job Hazard/Safety Analysis (JHA/JSA)
- Jointers
- Kindling Hazards
- Knee Joint Protection
- Laboratory Safety
- Ladder Safety
- Latex Allergies
- Lead Safety
- Lockout and Tagout
- Log Cutting Safety
- Logging Safety
- Lyme Disease
- Machinery Safety
- Manganese Safety
- Mercury Safety
- Metal Polishing Safety
- Metalworking Fluids
- Methylene Chloride (dichloromethane)
- Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) Safety
- Methyl Ethyl Ketone Safety
- Mining
- Motor Vehicles
- Nail Technicians’ Health and Workplace Exposure Control
- Nanotechnology
- National Occupational Mortality Surveillance (NOMS)
- Natural Disasters
- Nickel Safety
- NIOSH Evaluation of its cancer and REL Policies
- Nitric Acid Safety
- Nitrous Oxide Safety
- Noise and Hearing Loss Prevention
- Occupational Health Psychology
- Occupational Respiratory Disease Surveillance
- Occupational Sentinel Health Events (SHEO)
- Occupational Vibration Safety
- Office Environment and Worker Safety and Health
- Organic Solvent Safety
- Organization of Work
- Osmium Tetroxide Safety
- Outdoor Workers
- Ozone Safety
- Pandemic Influenza
- Patient Handling
- Personal Protection and Safety
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Pesticide Illness and Injury Surveillance
- Phenol Safety
- Phosgene Safety
- Phosphine Safety
- Pneumoconioses Causes, Treatment, and Prevention
- Poisonous Plants
- Prevention Through Design
- Protection Against Radiation
- Protective Clothing
- Quickly Accessible Exits during Emergencies
- Radiation Dispersal from Japan
- Railway Operations Safety
- Recycling or Disposal of Industrial Refuse
- Reporting Workplace Death, Injury, or Hospitalization
- Reproductive Health
- Respirators
- Respiratory Protection
- Restaurant Industry Safety and Health
- Roofing Hazards and Safety
- Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009
- Security Guard Safety and Training
- Semiconductor Manufacturing
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- Sharp Cutting Tool Safety
- Silica Exposure during Hydraulic Fracturing
- Silicosis – How to Avoid
- Skin Protection
- Sleep Deprivation
- Sodium Hydroxide Safety
- Spirometry
- Spray Painting Safety
- Spring Safety
- Storm, Flood, and Hurricane Response
- Stress – Types, Causes, and Prevention
- Styrene Safety
- Sulfur Dioxide Safety
- Sulfuric Acid Safety
- Surveillance
- Terrorism Response
- Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)
- Tick-borne Diseases
- Tobacco Smoke in the Workplace
- Toluene Safety
- Tornado Cleanup and Response
- Training Research and Evaluation
- Tractor Safety
- Traumatic Occupational Injuries
- Traumatic Incident Stress
- Trenching and Excavation
- Trichloroethylene Safety
- Trucking Safety
- Tuberculosis
- Types of Injuries and First Aid
- Ultraviolet Radiation
- Venomous Snakes
- Venomous Spiders
- Ventilation
- Vermiculite
- Veterinary Safety and Health
- West Nile Virus
- Welding and Manganese: Potential Neurological Effects
- Welding Safety
- Wildfires
- Wood Dust Exposure
- Work Schedule: Long Working Hours and Shifts
- Workers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Workplace Hazard Reporting
- Workplace Violence Prevention
- Women’s Safety and Health Issues at Work
- Xylene Safety
- Young Worker Safety and Health
- Zinc Propionate Safety
So these were some topics in the workplace you need to teach the employees about. You can find a lot of topics for safety meetings on the internet as well. The safety of the employees is no laughing matter and the management should take the help of professionals in the matter, if need be. It is a very crucial part of employee training and should not be ignored, no matter what.