The letter depicting a proof of employment is needed in several cases and situations, which can vary from a loan application, to tasks associated with governmental work. Here, we have provided a proof of employment letter template that will help you draft one for yourself.
This letter which, in some cases is also referred to as employment verification letter. It is issued by an employer as a solid proof indicting that the person for whom or the person about whom the letter is written has a steady and regular salary with a substantial job security. The proof of employment letter is a declaration by an employer that a said person is his employee. Some employers, at times, even take the effort to attest it just like an affidavit.
Format and Details of the Letter
Legally and formally speaking, a proof of employment letter is a declaration, which is recognized by the outside world. It is proof and verification that you are employed and have a said income. As mentioned above such a letter may be demanded or needed by any person or organization, or even a government, or government institution (not to mention father-in-law). So, what is exactly included in this letter? Well the answer is very simple, the letter in itself is very simple and straight forward. The letter on the whole gives all possible facts and figures relating to your employment. Some common things that are included in your proof of employment letter are:
- The first thing that employer would, of course, state is that you are an employee of the organization, and the designation that you hold.
- The next sentence includes facts, such as, your date of joining and your current salary.
- Next, your work hours, working days, and your probationary or non-probationary status would also be disclosed.
- The first two points finish off the core statement and an over-professional employer would probably stop right here. Some employers however, in some cases go on further to state some qualities such as honesty and hardworking nature, in addition to punctuality and personality. Well, if you are getting a loan or home or you need to show the letter to the landlord or credit card company, then such a last line often tends to work wonders.
- Attestation of such a letter, attaching a proof or even legalizing the proof of employment letter, is not mandatory, however it does prove to be mighty useful, as the letter carries a substantial inbuilt recognition.
Proof of Employment Letter Template
The following is down-loadable and printable template. You can add or subtract things from this template and even modify the template. Note that the letter in itself is short, brief, and to the point.
Date: To Whom it may concern Re: name of the employee Dear Sir/ Madam, It my pleasure and humble joy to inform you that we have Mr./Miss name of the employee as an employee at our consultancy firm, Marshall and Smith, at the post of Chartered Fianna Analyst (CFA). The following are some details of Mr./Miss. name of the employee‘s employment with us.
We are also pleased to inform you that name of the employee, is a valuable employee, who is hardworking, punctual, precise and honest. As per our company policy all these details have been verified and attested to be true by notary, name. Please feel free to contact the Human Resource Department at Marshall and Smith, for any further details, doubts and notifications. Thanking you, Yours, Larry Marshall, Partner at Marshall and Smith. |
Smart, tight, continent and quick, yet pleasurable to read, that’s how a proof of employment letter should be.