If you need to draft a promotion letter, then you need to know what the proper format is. In this article, we will give you the proper template of a promotion letter.
What are promotion letters? In any organization when you need to inform an employee about a promotion that he or she is due to receive, then you send out a job promotion letter. With a promotion letter, it is important that the tone remains professional and cordial while maintaining a general cheery tone as it is a letter that intends to congratulate someone and commend them on a job well done. The job of writing a promotion letter is generally that of the human resources department or in some companies, the head of the department of the employee.
Most promotion letters serve as a notice before the employee receives an official document that details his or her new job profile. A part of this job profile though, can be detailed out in this letter as well. There are many important things that an employee needs to be made aware. All these things need to be mentioned in a promotion letter. Ensure that in any promotion letter you always make a mention of the position to which the employee is being promoted. It is important that the employee is clear about his new role in the organization. If you are not detailing out the job profile, then inform the employee that a second letter will be sent out with these details. While the format of such a letter differs from organization to organization, it is important to refer to details like the new salary structure, etc. In some promotion letters, there is also a mention of when the employee will be up for a performance evaluation, especially in cases of promotions that happen in the middle of the year.
Template of a Promotion Letter
Now that you know how to write a promotion letter, let us take a look at a template. It is important to remember that the format of a promotion letter may differ depending on the organization that you work for. The format of the job promotion letter given below is a generic one that should help you draft a letter.
Your Name Name of Your Organization Address of the Organization Date Name of Employee Salutation/Greetings In the first and foremost paragraph of the letter, you need to start by informing the employee that he or she has been awarded a promotion. You will also need to inform the employee about the date from which the promotion will be made effective. It is also essential to inform the employee of the position to which he is being promoted. When you are drafting the second paragraph, ensure that you start by telling the employee how you commend him on his performance. Congratulate him on behalf of the organization and on your own behalf. Ensure that you mention the reasons that made making the decision regarding the employee’s promotion easier. Try and mention the various accomplishments of the employee. You may also mention the responsibilities that the employee will have to take up as a part of his new profile. If the details about the job profile are not mentioned in the earlier paragraph, then it is important that you mention that you will be sending out a second letter with a detailed job profile and the new salary structure. Ensure that you end the letter by congratulating the employee once again. Valediction/Goodbye Yours sincerely, |
Now if you ever need to draft a job promotion letter, you should have no problem. Just follow the simple tips given here and refer to the template and you will have well drafted letter.