The following article lists out a number of part-time jobs for pregnant women, which will enable them to give themselves some time, and still earn some extra income to support their growing family.
Women are no longer relegated to duties of the house, unless it is a personal decision. They have proven time and again, that they can beautifully multi-task, while watching the kids grow up, supporting their husbands in all their endeavors, and themselves leading a satisfying professional life. It is only at times such as pregnancy that they may have to give up their jobs, in order to ensure a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.
Also, a lot of women decide to give up their professional life in order to take care of their little ones and be with them in their growing years. If you are one of these women, remember, that just because you don’t have an office to go to, it doesn’t mean you can’t keep yourself occupied or earn yourself money. There are lot of part-time jobs for pregnant women, that enable you to have a professional life, that does not interfere with the necessities of your daily life and personal requirements.
List of Good Jobs
An important piece of advice that is always given to women who are pregnant is, that they should try to avoid jobs that involve extreme physical labor, that may result in complications during the pregnancy. A job that does not cause stress would be ideal for such women. Furthermore, part-time jobs that give you the luxury of working from home are perfect. Here is a list of work-at-home jobs, for all those expecting mothers.
Those of you who have good communication and people skills can help those in need of counseling in different areas of life. For instance, counseling teenagers about career planning, women on attaining a work-life balance, or simply giving people relationship advice, etc., can all come under the purview of this job. If this is your second pregnancy, then counseling women on their first pregnancy can turn out to be one of the best jobs for stay at home moms. Do remember, you will have to do some good amount of research in the basics of dealing with such situations, and giving advice. If you think you have it in you, go ahead and give out the much-needed advice to all those in need of it.
Tutoring at home is another great job for pregnant moms, because you are probably developing all the necessary skills teaching your first born. Make use of all the effective teaching strategies you have developed, and use this knowledge to teach school children different subjects from the comfort of your home. An interesting aspect about such a job is that the teaching is not limited to any particular field. From music to a foreign language, you can teach absolutely anything you are proficient at. In fact, you can even do a great job teaching English to foreign exchange students. Another added facility is the ability to find numerous online tutoring jobs, which means you don’t even have to deal with people coming home. All you need is a good, secure Internet connection to be able to do this job.
Creating and Selling Homemade Items
Be it baked goodies or handbags, use your skills to create homemade items that have a premium advantage and price in the market. The demand for homemade baked goodies is very high, simply because mass produced commercial foods cannot match up to the quality of a home baked product. If you have a wonderful hand at this job, why not create a wide array of baked products and put them up for sale? Also, if you are really good at cakes, why not start making wedding cakes? Coming to crafts, handmade greeting cards, picture frames, beaded jewelry, handbags, well-designed t-shirts, the list is endless when it comes to creating and selling these products. You can even put up these items for sale on eBay, where all you have to do is take care of the shipping procedure. Finally, if you don’t want to do these jobs directly, why not teach others how to do it?
Freelance Jobs
A lot of people have made money by means of freelance writing for the web, so why should you stay out of this wonderful opportunity of making money online, from the comfort of your home? Sign up on one of the many websites online that pay a good amount per article you submit, and make enough money writing these articles. You don’t have to be a pro at writing, but just possess the ability to create well-structured comprehensible sentences, and you are perfect for this job. If you have good graphic design skills, you can sell your abilities to create websites for various organizations, design logos for upcoming companies, or even design wedding invitations. Getting as creative as possible in these different online jobs is what is essential, and you will be able to use almost any skill you have, to be able to make money.
For all you women who have been there, done that in different jobs, can begin providing consultation on those fields. For instance, becoming a business consultant, a marketing consultant, a design consultant, providing IT consulting services, or becoming an image consultant, are all the different fields you can provide consultation in, as there are a whole lot of people out there who need guidance on different aspects of their professional and personal life. Do not confuse a consultant with a counselor, because the latter is a job that deals more with the psychological aspect, whereas the formal is completely professional. This again, is a job that can easily be performed online if you research well and find the right outlet for your skills and abilities.
Being able to give your child, your pregnancy, and your family some time along with earning money is an opportunity many women are not blessed with. If you are one of those women who have such an opportunity, go ahead and choose from any of these part-time jobs, and earn yourself professional, personal, and even creative satisfaction.