Drafting a resume for the very first time? Well, if you are confused about how to write such a resume, then we will tell you how to draft a resume if you have no work experience, in this article.
Ask any job seeker and he will tell you the importance of a good resume. After all, this is the document that tells a prospective employer of your qualifications and the work experience that you have in the field that makes you suitable for the position. But what do you do, if you have no previous work experience? This is a conundrum that most first time job seekers are faced with. In this article, we tell you how to draft a resume, if you have no work experience.
How to Draft a Resume with No Work Experience
It is important that your first resume be a good reflection of the person you are. Since you have nothing to show where work experience is concerned, you need to focus on your educational qualifications and other achievements that you have. With any resume, it is important to present the data well, and ensure that the resume is easy to read. Follow the simple tips given below to create a good resume.
- It is important that the format of your resume be simple and standardized. Do not choose a format that is too fancy or something that is not used too often.
- The kind of stationery you use speaks volumes about your professionalism. Stick to a plain white paper of the heavy variety.
- More often than not first timers often make errors in their contact information. Ensure that all the information you give is correct. Also, avoid giving out email ids that are too informal. Instead create a new email id that sounds professional.
- While sending out the resume, it may be a good idea to always include a cover letter that tells the employer why you think you are suitable for the position that you have applied for.
- If you have absolutely no work experience even as a baby sitter, then list out volunteer work that you have done in the past or any community activities that you have volunteered for. This may reflect well on your resume.
- Also, if you are mentioning your course work at school, then it may be a good idea to mention those course credentials that are sure to help you getting the job at hand. It is also important to make a mention of any academic achievements and curricular achievements.
- A very good idea for any person who is new on the job market is to include the contact details of someone who could refer you. This way, a prospective employer can have someone they can talk to about your abilities and qualities.
Sample Resume
Now that you know how to draft a resume if you have absolutely no work experience, let us take a look at a sample resume that should help you understand the format better.
Gwendoline Jones 23, Elm Street Hebudah, New Jersey – 481 595 Phone No: 959-865-5934 Education BA, English Literature, 2011 Bluebells Academy for Girls Achievements 2010-11: Editor of the NYU Journal Certifications
Hobbies and Interests
Other Details Volunteer with Dancing Feet, a non governmental organization that teaches less fortunate children dance and other curricular hobbies. References Mr. Jake Reilly |
An entry-level resume is not all that difficult to draft, as long as you know exactly what to focus on. Remember that not receiving an interview call is not necessarily a reflection on your lack of experience. With the drastic increase in competition, it may be difficult to get a job that you actually want. Try and apply to jobs in the same field that will allow you to reach your goal in time.