Management skills is one of the most important factors that is scrutinized while hiring new managers. Here is a write-up to know about the management skills for new managers. Training for this is often provided to groom new budding leaders that help them understand all the roles, duties and responsibilities of being a manager. Nourish yourself by reading through, to become one amongst the successful.
Management of work, employees, issues, etc., are the biggest challenges faced by an organization. Thus, the requirement of managers arises, to look after the matters, brainstorm on the issues and handle them on time. Generally, preferences are given to experienced officials, as they are much matured in the way they think and know to take immediate and correct decisions. But sometimes there are those individuals who become managers and then learn how to be a good one. Here are some management skills for new managers that have no experience, yet dream to be the most successful. This management skills list will definitely help you soar like an eagle.
- Good Management Skills List for Managers
- 1.1 Getting the Work Done
- 1.1.1 Management Skills: Planning
- 1.1.2 Management Skills: Organizing
- 1.1.3 Management Skills: Direct
- 1.1.4 Management Skills: Control
- 1.2 Developing Your Staff
- 1.3 Improving Yourself to be the Best
- 1.4 Outstanding Success
- 1.1 Getting the Work Done
- Management Skills for New Managers Training
- 2.1 Your Role as Manager
- 2.2 Performance Management
- 2.3 Effective Communication
- 2.4 Understanding and Appreciating Situational Leadership: The Art of Influencing Others
- 2.5 Coaching for Performance
- 2.6 Creating Motivational Climate
- 2.7 Delegation for Growth and Development
- 2.8 Some Institutes Offering Management Skills for New Managers Training Course
- Tips for Managers: Management Skills
- 3.1 Attitude
- 3.2 Courteous
- 3.3 Communication
- 3.4 Manage Time
- 3.5 Search for a Mentor
- 3.6 Feedback and Reward
Before continuing directly with the topic, I would like to pen down a short true instance of my life related to my first experience as a manager. It was not that difficult to become a manager while on job for me, as my work said it all. The basic thing that I always followed was doing my work accurately, trying to analyze the strategies and the work flow of my organization, suggesting few changes, implementing them and most important being open to all the changes that occurred. When I got promoted as a manager I had to define my work more accurately, understand the work process more deeply, maintain cordial business relations with the employees as well as the other senior authorities, to help me know their thinking pattern and analytical skills. This helped me solve many of my issues and get the work going through. Another important thing I would like to put forth as management skills for new managers is that, always learn to accept your fault (if any), analyze and constantly chase and change to be the best, overcoming your weaknesses. One of the quotes on management skills that I always follow and has helped me be what I am, is:
“No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that created it. We need to see the world anew.” ~ Albert Einstein
Drawing you back to the leadership and management skills for new managers, let’s take a quick look at the important points that would help you and will be covered here.
Good Management Skills List for Managers
As mentioned earlier, there are some values or potentials that are checked whenever you apply to be a manager. Some of the important and good management skills for new managers that you should always remember and embed in yourself are:
Getting the Work Done
The basic management skills for new managers listed below are very essential in terms of getting things done through proper planning, organizing, directing the employees and controlling them too. Read to learn them thoroughly…
Management Skills: Planning
It’s an essential quality that a manager should possess, as there are different strategies that need to be implemented quite often. A manager should be able to foresee and plan for things in the most appropriate manner, considering and analyzing all the risks that may be involved while implementing any new strategy. Risk management is the most important part while laying down a business plan. Thus, making it one of the essential criteria for qualifying as a good manager.
Inspirational Quote on Planning by Plato (Greek Philosopher): “The beginning is the most important part of the work.“
Management Skills: Organizing
Managers are supposed to bear good analytical skills not only for planning but also to select the most appropriate team to carry out the given task most efficiently. This also means that it’s the managers responsibility to make optimal use of the available resources while deciding the team to achieve the desired goal.
Inspirational Quote on Organizing by Albert Einstein: “Thought is the organizing factor in man, intersected between the causal primary instincts and the resulting actions.“
Management Skills: Direct
Another most important basic business management skills searched in a manager is the potential to guide a team to achieve the set goals. There are many instances that come up where there are issues and the team starts losing focus from the goals set. It is the manager’s duty to sort out the differences / issues and get the team focused back on the goals.
Inspirational Quote on Direction by Albert Einstein: “Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of courage-to move in the opposite direction.“
Management Skills: Control
A manager should always be authoritative in order to get the team focused and the work done. Controlling the work flow and encouraging the employees towards achieving the desired goal is another skill required in a manager. In short, authoritative is one of the points that a new manager should ponder upon and work towards to possess. But then, authoritative does not mean boss over on your employees for no reason.
Inspirational Quote on Control by Ronald Reagan: “Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out.“
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Developing your Staff
Now, these 3 skills listed below are very essential in terms of developing your staff to get going easily close to your set goals. These are also some of the good management skills list that one should possess as early as possible.
Management Skills: Motivation
Many a time, it does happen that a team gets discouraged while working or loses hope to get to the set goal. At this time, it is very important for a manager to motivate his team and get the ball rolling back smoothly. A manager should be an extremely good motivator, as there are many instances that creep up while getting the task done, where the employees give up hope.
Inspirational Quote on Motivation by Denis Waitley: “Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating.“
Management Skills: Training & Coaching
Quite often, there are instances where you do not find appropriate resources to chase your goal. At such instances, management training and coaching your existing best employees for the task is the only option that you can avail for. Hence, it is an essential criteria that the manager should be able to train and coach his team appropriately in order to get to the benchmark with ease. Proper employee training will help save time, making optimum use of the available resources.
Inspirational Quote on Training by Herschel Walker: “If you train hard, you’ll not only be hard, you’ll be hard to beat.“
Management Skills: Involvement
A manager should constantly get his team involved in the activities, where the employees work as a team. This helps the manager to build a communication between himself and the co-team members. This also helps to clear of idea clashes and get everyone together to be a part of the team as one. Involvement of employees when related to work will help analyze measures while planning for future goals, as you get to know a persons potentials directly, rather than someone else pointing it out for you.
Inspirational Quote on Involvement by Lloyd Dobens: “If there is no worker involvement, there is no quality system.“
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Improving Yourself to be the Best
Below are the two skills that are important while being a manager, as these are the boundaries that you got to maintain in order to be efficient and to the mark. This is also important as you are one of the role models that your employees would always look up to.
Management Skills: Time Management
An important criteria that will help you get all the work done in time is by managing your own time. Managing your work and completing a set task within a set time frame will be possible only if the time is managed properly and hence planning and scheduling the time is very essential. This will definitely boost up your level as in: if you adhere to it, your work is bound to get done well in time and you will definitely be appreciated for it. Effective time management also helps keep major adversaries at bay. Time management in managers gets in the best while organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding towards the set goals.
Inspirational Quote on Time Management by John F. Kennedy:
“For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.”
Management Skills: Self Management
The utmost important skill that leads a manager to achieve outstanding success is self management. This management skill set involves solving problems and generating creativity, analyzing and realizing full potential of available resources, utilizing fine distinctions of senses helpful in sharpening mental agility and understanding new behavior of different individuals.
Inspirational Quote on Self Management by La Rochefoucauld: “It is not enough to have great qualities; We should also have the management of them.“
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Outstanding Success
Adhering to, rather possessing all the above-mentioned good management skill for new managers will make you known as a good leader. But read a little bit more to know, how exactly you can!
Management Skills: Leadership
For a manager to be recognized as a good leader he has to bear the following potentials within him or follow leadership training. The management skills list for a good leader consists: strategic planning, strategic thinking, managing vision and purpose, decision-making, motivating people sharing a common vision and implementing SWOT analysis, managing budgets, planning work, focus on work, forecasting, business acumen, delegation, work towards achieving set goals, outcome focused and possessing analysis and problem solving techniques. Bearing these leadership skills will definitely help in being recognized as a perfect leader.
Inspirational Quote on Self Management by Vince Lombardi: “Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow.“
That was the list of good management skills for new managers to adhere to and climb the stairs of success with ease. Also remember that many of the skills among these are already within everyone. The only difference is that you need to search and polish them for a bright future.
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Management Skills for New Managers Training
Here, in this segment, you will find the effective management skills for new managers training courseware provided, listed by the American Management Association on their website. This training is for those managers who have one or three years experience. These management skills for new managers training helps candidates to learn valuable things, and the best thing is that they help you sharpen your strengths and cut down your weaknesses. This further helps you discover the competency you possess or need to possess to achieve success. This manager training helps you know how to deal with difficult people, as real world examples are discussed upon in such training sessions.
Your Role as Manager
In this management skills for new managers training phase you would learn the roles and responsibilities, objectives and the ways to have an effective communication. Points covered are:
- Identify qualities and abilities required for effective management
- Understand your role and responsibilities as manager
- Learn to transition from individual contributor to manager
- Know how to work effectively with a multigenerational workforce
- Understand the nuances when managing remote teams and across the matrix
Performance Management
This phase trains you on how to check for others performance, understanding the performance and setting expectations to achieve the desired results. Points covered in this phase are:
- Identify the challenges to effective performance management
- Understand and conduct performance planning, facilitation and evaluation
- Practice the skill of setting goals, providing effective feedback and conducting alignment discussions
Effective Communication
This will teach you to know the different effective modes of communication, the skills required for it, ways to conduct effective meetings and communication with higher authorities of the organizations. Points covered are:
- Recognize what effective communication really is
- Understand the communication process
- Know the barriers that can cause derailment and misunderstanding
- Identify the relative importance of face to face communication
- Get a firm grasp of five building blocks in managerial communication
- Learn to match the right communication method with your communication goal
- Identify the challenges and practices when communicating virtually
Understanding and Appreciating Situational Leadership II: The Art of Influencing Others
In this set of management skills for new managers training, one is trained to examine and apply the 3 skills of a situational leader. Points covered are:
- How to develop people, value differences and encourage honest communication
- Develop your leadership style to gain commitment from employees
- Match your leadership style to the employee’s developmental needs and task at hand
Coaching for Performance
This training phase covers the importance of you being a coach, groom and explore your skills as a coach, etc. Points covered here are:
- How does coaching develop, enhance and achieve goals
- Know the requirements and importance of coaching
- Practice coaching and correcting difficult and challenging behavior
- Use the AMA Guide for managing a coaching discussion
- Identify the differences between coaching and discipline
Creating Motivational Climate
Here they teach you how to apply Classic Herzberg Model, and help you sharpen your motivational skills analyzing the causes of dissatisfaction. Points covered here are:
- Define motivation and your role in creating a motivational setting
- What are the cost of demotivation and disengagement
- Recognize important elements of the motivational process
- Create your own practice for building a motivational climate
Delegation for Growth and Development
This phase teaches the importance of delegating responsibilities and getting your work done successfully. Here, you also get to practice making delegation assignments. Features of this phase are:
- Understand the different types of delegation
- Know the benefits and challenges of delegation
- Recognize your comfort with delegation
- How to conduct an effective delegation conversation
- Practice your delegation skills
Some Institutes Offering Management Skills for New Managers Training Course
There are few other institutes that offer such management skills for new managers training that you can opt for. They are as follows
- The Resource Center for Customer Service Professionals (RCCSP) (USA)
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Corporate and Professional Education (USA)
- The Performance Institute (USA)
- Silicon Beach Training (UK)
- Frontline Management Institute (Australia)
- Meirc Training & Consulting (Dubai)
Note that there are different institutes that provide such management skills for new managers training. But enlisting each and every courseware of different institutes is not feasible. However, the course theme and objective remains the same. Hope you are satisfied with the information provided to you regarding the management skills training.
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Tips for Managers: Management Skills
Training for new managers is not at all difficult. But one needs to be focused and follow the tips for managers, mentioned below, in order to excel as a new manager and get success at his feet.
This is a most important behavioral trait that you should follow. That’s because, if you are hired or promoted recently as a manager, you should always be open to changes in the system for the initial weeks of your job. If you try to implement new changes as soon as you are on the hot seat, other managers may think that you trying to prove them wrong. That’s not right isn’t it! Get yourself adapted to the new post, build up a rapport, gain others confidence over your work, then the staff will be in a state to support you, and make your ideas work too.
Being a good manager is very difficult, but being courteous towards the staff will definitely win half your battle. Never hesitate to thank your staff; request your staff, but politely, to work courteously (leaving back the ego); or appreciate their work if done as per required, because they are the ones who have helped you get the success in the task assigned to you. Maintaining distance is what you have to avoid but be courteous to gain respect and support of your employees.
Many a time, it does happen that the employees tend to divert from the goal if it’s not clearly set and understood by them. This leads to a chaotic situation where employees are not working as a team and tend to set their own goals. Explaining the goal and constant follow-up would help them be focused on the goal and understand the company’s path to success.
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Manage Time
It’s another one amongst the important tips for managers; managing time working smarter is what is expected of a manager. Also being among the top management skills for new managers, it helps to get the task done in a fixed time frame. Working for long hours definitely reduces efficiency of the work carried out. Hence, checking for the tasks consuming more time and those that are repetitive is important and has to be scheduled appropriately throughout the day.
Search for a Mentor
It would be much easier if you had a mentor who has complete knowledge about the organization to help and guide you in understanding your new role, specially if you are new to the post and the company. Some companies offer you some mentoring programs, but if they don’t, you got to search for one by yourself.
Feedback and Reward
Frequent feedback is very essential. One has to constantly provide feedback to the team members if they are following the right way to achieve the desired goal. This helps the employees to feel more secured, and get focused and willing to work towards the goal. Rewards for teams are another important factor of motivation that a new manager should follow. Any sort of award will definitely prove to boost up the spirit and get them more passionate towards work.
Implementing new strategies is best only after you gain some confidence and have complete knowledge about the organization you’re working for. Also remember, do not entertain backdoor reporting, or it may create biased opinions further leading to discrepancies and negativity over your own goodwill.
Always remember that these tips for managers on management skills if followed, will definitely help you in your career as a manager. Management skills for new managers along with adhering to the tips, is very important to get the desired results.
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So what are you thinking about! Bookmark this page and refer to it till you have these management skills for new managers embedded in you. Only these tips and skills will help you achieve great heights in your career as a manager! Best of Luck!
“Personal leadership is the process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to be congruent with them.” ~ Stephen Covey, American leadership consultant and writer.