In case you require a leave, it is important to write a good, formal and short leave of absence letter, for it to be easily approved. Take a look at how to write one, along with a sample for your reference.
It is not always easy to acquire a leave of absence from your organization, due to the loss it may cause them, or due to company policies. Also, you may have to deal with financial setbacks as a result of the leave. However, sometimes you may face a situation you just can’t avoid – one that may require your complete and personal attention. Explaining this to the organization can be a tough task, but writing a self-explanatory leave of absence letter can help you deal with this task in a professional manner.
Before you submit a leave letter, you have to take into consideration the consequences it will have on the organization, and your position there. These are some of the factors that you should keep in mind.
- Have a genuine reason for leave. If the leave is sudden, it is important that you have a genuine reason for leave, like maternity, a medical leave, or an unexpected family issue. Even the need for a vacation is a genuine reason, but leave of absence for a vacation may not be considered valid unless you have earned sufficient days that qualify for a vacation.
- Speak to the authorities before you submit a formal leave application. It is essential to verbally inform the authorities that you will require a specific amount of time off before you suddenly spring your leave letter upon them. Discuss how you plan to cover up for the lost time and who will take care of your work (if any) in your absence. Then go on and submit your letter.
- Inform colleagues about your leave. When you take a leave, not only the necessary authorities, but also your colleagues should be informed about it. This is important because your share of work is going to be distributed among them, and a sudden increase in workload because of you is not going to be appreciated, unless they’ve been informed in advance. Also, when the authorities know that there is someone to cover up for you, your leave may get sanctioned without much trouble.
- What about that upcoming deadline? If possible, try to postpone your leave until important deadlines have been met. This shows the responsibility you feel towards your job, and makes the possibility of getting a leave simpler.
- Finances are important. As mentioned earlier, taking a leave can affect your finances. In such cases, ensure that you discuss how much paid leave has been allotted to you, and try to come back within that period. Again, it is not always possible to tell when you may be able to return, so you may have to take a lot of unpaid leave as well. It is just important that you are aware of the financial situation you are going to be faced with, when you take a leave.
Whether it is a letter for maternity leave or any other reason, you have to keep in mind a certain format that is followed when writing a leave of absence letter. It has to be formal and addressed to the appropriate authority. The reason for leave should be clearly and crisply explained, without getting into unnecessary details. The sample letter provided below will help you in this regard.
Employee Name
Employee Address (Include City, State and Zip Code)
Employee Personal Phone Number
Authority Name
Authority Designation/Title
Name of Organization
Organization Address (Include City, State and Zip Code)
Subject: Requirement for Leave
Dear Ma’am/Sir/Mr./Ms. Last Name,
I request a leave of absence for a period of (number of days/weeks) from (mention dates). The reason is that (explain reason in short – medical or personal).
I may have to travel out of the city during this period. However, I am accessible through phone and e-mail if there are any questions regarding work. I have also requested (mention name of colleague who will take over in your absence) to overlook any work that may need to be done in my absence.
I assure you that my work will not suffer due to this leave. Thank you for your consideration.
Your Signature
Your Name
Write your letter in a way that will convince your employer that the leave is necessary and due to you. This way, you can avoid all the hassle that goes into getting that much required and deserved leave.