A perfectly drafted job recommendation letter goes a long way in helping one clinch a dream job. Whether you are writing one or getting one written, it is essential to use a proper letter format. Leaf through this article for an easy-to-use template.
Each time you leave a job, it is important to get a recommendation letter from your existing employer, to present to your next employer. Through these letters, your prospective employers get a glimpse of your work history and efficiency. Here is a template and sample of a recommendation letter for your reference.
Quick Glance
- Length: 1 page
- Word Count: 300 to 700 words
- What to Avoid: Indents and double spacing between paragraphs
Letter Template
(Name of Organization/Recommender) (Address) (Contact No.) (Email id) (Date) To Whomsoever It May Concern I would like to recommend Mr./Ms. (Name of Candidate) as a candidate for a position in your organization. Mr./Ms. (Candidate’s last name) was employed in our organization in the position of Operations Manager from January 29, 2007 to November 2, 2010. Mr./Ms. (Candidate’s last name) was one of our best rated employees and proved to me an asset to our organization during his/her tenure with us. Without any doubts, his/her soft skills, multitasking skills, and abilities to manage and motivate team members are par excellence. Mr./Ms. (Candidate’s last name) was willing to learn and take up new responsibilities in our organization. He/she also maintained excellent rapport with all our clients and colleagues at all hierarchical levels. Mr./Ms. (Candidate’s last name) dedication for work, makes him/her an asset for any employer. I, therefore, recommend him/her for whichever endeavor he/she chooses to pursue. Please feel free to get in touch with me for any further clarification required. Yours sincerely |
Letter Sample
Bluebird Inc. 1253, Maverick Plaza, 18th Avenue, New York Contact No. 0198-4455-8796 Date: September 1, 2012 To, Recommendation Letter for Ms. Audrey Bloomwood Dear Mr. Davis, Ms. Bloomwood was one of our best rated employees and consistently overachieved her annual sales targets. Without any doubts, her soft skills and marketing skills are par excellence. She had been an excellent team player and maintained good rapport with all her colleagues and customers. Ms. Bloomwood was willing to learn and take up new responsibilities while working in our organization. Her dedication for work made her an asset for our organization, and it will surely be the same for her subsequent employers. I highly recommend Ms. Audrey Bloomwood for whichever post she has applied in your organization. Please feel free to get in touch with me for any further clarification required. Yours sincerely |
Points to Remember
✓There are two types of recommendation letters – general and specific. A general recommendation letter remains silent about the addressee’s name. In a specific letter, it is assumed that the recommender knows the name of the addressee.
✓It is essential to include the recommender’s address and contact details at the beginning of the letter. This helps the new employers to get in touch with the recommender, if any clarifications are needed.
✓Salutations used in a general recommendation letter, differ from those used in a specific recommendation letter. In a specific recommendation letter, the salutations used are very specific. e.g. Dear Dr. Phillips, Dear Ms. James, etc. However, a general recommendation letter begins with “To Whomsoever it May Concern”.
✓Recommendation letters are segregated into three paragraphs:
- The first paragraph should specify the name of the candidate, the position previously held, and the tenure of work in the previous organization.
- The second paragraph contains details of the candidate’s skills and abilities. A recommender may even mention the candidate’s special achievements in the description.
- The third or the ‘punch’ paragraph is the key element of the recommendation letter. This section should include information on how the candidate’s skills match the requirements of the position being applied for. To form this paragraph, one may use a copy of job posting or the candidate’s resume. One may use words such as ‘recommend without reservation’ or ‘highly recommend’ in this paragraph. Following this, the recommender needs to make an offer to provide more information, if required.
✓The letter is concluded with ‘Yours sincerely’ or ‘Yours truly’, followed by recommender’s name, job title, and signature.
I hope the above template and sample will help you create a job recommendation letter. However, ensure that the letter is simple and insightful. Similarly, it should not sound exaggerated.