Interview follow-up letters are not mandatory, but can go a long way in helping candidates clinch a suitable job.
It’s always a good idea to follow-up after an interview. Letters are one of the popular ways of thanking the interviewer for taking time-off from his/her busy schedule for interviewing the aspiring job seeker. Many times, one forgets to highlight important achievements during the actual interview. A common mistake, but a costly one, since a face-to-face interview gives one an opportunity to present oneself as the ideal candidate for the job.
What better way to present one’s suitability for the job than highlighting one’s achievements? Thankfully, candidates have the opportunity of impressing upon their interviewers their suitability for the job, by drafting effective follow-up interview letters.
Post Interview Follow-up Letter Template
Name Designation Organization Address for Communication Contact Number Email Address Dear Mr./Ms. (Last Name), Information contained in the letter―(Most interview follow-up letters typically follow the same pattern. The candidate should refresh the memory of the interviewer by identifying himself/herself. The candidate should never bank on the interviewer’s memory, since the latter would most probably be interviewing scores of candidates for the job. Hence, identifying oneself is a prerequisite even if one feels that he or she has created a favorable impression on the interviewer. Citing the date, venue, and the position for which the candidate was interviewed is also a part of the identification process. The candidate should, once again mention one’s achievements, the skills, and qualifications that one may have inadvertently left out during the interview. The candidate should ensure that he/she gives the interviewer a compelling reason to hire the job seeker. Volunteering information about the ability and the willingness to relocate can also help one’s cause.) Sincerely, |
Interview Follow-up Letter Sample
Name Designation Organization Address for Communication Contact Number Email Address Dear Mr./Ms. (Last Name), This is with regard to the interview held on the 23rd November, ’09 for the job of a Financial Planner at XYZ Company. I appreciate your having taken the time-off to interview me at such short notice. It’s my belief that the job requires one to build a reliable customer base and market financial products to customers depending upon their risk-return objectives. I have been employed with WER Corp as a Financial Planning Assistant since 23 November ’05. It’s my belief that, having earned the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) credential after years of rigorous study and practical training, I am a strong contender for the job. I would hereby request you to consider me for the position of a Financial Planner at XYZ Company. I am more than willing to relocate and can be contacted at the above mentioned address for further clarification. Sincerely, |
A good interview follow-up letter should have the effect of communicating to the interviewer in concise, yet precise terms, the genuine interest of the candidate in working for the company with which the latter interviewed. A good follow-up letter alone cannot help one emerge successful in one’s quest for a satisfying job, but can go a long way in creating a favorable impression on the interviewer.