So, you want to know how to become a fashion designer at a young age, is it? Well, we have some tips and pointers that could take you along the right path.
When you were little, did you like to dress up your siblings like they were dolls? Did your heart melt at the sight of earrings and belts instead of chocolate and cookies? Did you prefer to read the latest fashion magazines instead of playing out in the sun. And when you did go out, did you insist on dressing yourself in the most stylish clothes? You, my friend, have secretly (or not so secretly) been wondering how you can begin your fashion career at a young age. Luckily you chanced upon this page.
Being a Fashion Designer at a Young Age
Many teenagers follow the lives and stories of famous designers to learn how they can make it big on their own. If you are one of them then we have got the right tips for you. All you have to do is read ahead, believe and achieve. The journey will be long and hard, just like it was for every well-known designer. So be prepared for some hard work.
Know your Fashion
The importance of this very fundamental point cannot be stressed enough. You must have a ‘passion for fashion’ if you want to become a fashion designer. You need to keep in touch with the latest fashion trends, know your designers, know your styles, cuts, designs, and patterns all by heart. You should be able to spot out something that somebody is wearing, simply by looking at it. While all this may sound very exciting and fancy, you also need to have a deep understanding of what all the job description entails. It might not turn out to be as glamorous as you imagine it to be. You must also be keen to learn about fashion and its economics. Because let’s face it, coming up with your own clothes label is going to take a while.
Draw, Sew and Drape
Fashion is all about figures, colors, shapes, and proportions. And to get a good knowledge of how to mesh and maintain all of them together, you need to have some basic knowledge of the same. Join specific art classes that will teach you to draw human forms. Join drawing classes that will help you with defining body structures and shapes. Even if you are not an exceptional artist, but have a fundamental understanding of the basics of shape and drape, you can be a good fashion designer.
You will need a lot of creativity though, so make sure you’re overflowing with ideas, outrageous though they may seem. In addition to drawing, you must be adept at sewing. After all, fashion designing is about putting together clothes. You may be required to do it by hand even. So, having a thorough knowledge of different sewing techniques will be a major plus point.
Educate Yourself
If you’re in middle school or high school, stay there. Finish school, and you are one step closer to getting into a good fine arts and designing college that will teach you all the technical detailing that you need to know about fashion. Get yourself into a good college that will teach you about all the little intricacies involved in the fashion industry. Right from the garments’ fit and drape to the management and the economics. So prepare an impressive portfolio with the help of all the art and drawing classes that you took and no one can deny you a position in a designing college. Once you’re in college, ensure that you learn all that you can. Everything you learn will help you in some way once you’re out in the industry.
Be an Apprentice
Last but not the least, the best way to begin a career in fashion designing is to already have a job that is in some way, directly or indirectly, related to the field. You could be an apprentice to a local seamstress or you could be working at a designer clothes outlet at a mall. You could be assisting a local tailor for a while. And in your free time, you can design your own clothes and accessories for your friends and relatives and make a few bucks on the side.
The secret to becoming a fashion designer at a young age lies only in you. You need to remember that the world is cruel to newbies, so you need to have the guts, perseverance, and a very strong head to make it big. Good luck!