A farewell latter is a kind of subtle, formal parting announcement when you leave your company for a new job opportunity. This Workspirited article will give you tips on what you have to include in a farewell letter to workmates.
“A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends.” ― Anonymous
People leave their current jobs for several reasons, for instance, getting a better opportunity, higher education, retirement, or some other personal reasons. Many a time, the last few days prior to finally bidding goodbye to the company are often hectic, because they have to wind up their pending work. Due to this, most people tend to forget to send their parting letter to colleagues. Though there is no rule that each and every person leaving the company needs to do this, it is a heartfelt way of thanking them for the help and support they gave you, while you were a part of the company. However, before you start writing, there are certain important pointers that you have to keep in mind.
Adieu Letter to Colleagues
- The most important thing that you have to remember while writing a parting letter to colleagues is that the letter should be formal. However, if the people you are going to write a letter are your close friends whom you know personally, writing an informal or even a funny parting letter to coworkers will also be fine.
- Another important thing that you have to remember is, that you do not need to send your formal letter to the entire company. Rather, stick to the people who were a part of your department, members of your project and also people from other department whom you had to communicate during your tenure in the company.
- Your parting letter should be short (not more than 2-3 paragraphs), and written in simple language. Begin the letter by telling about the purpose of writing the letter, i.e., announce your departure from the company. You can tell them the date of your last working day and also the reason for leaving the organization. However, do not use your parting letter to criticize any of your colleagues or your employer.
- In the next part, you can thank your colleagues for the support and help that they have given you. You may also mention that you enjoyed working with them and though, it is necessary for you to leave, you will surely miss them.
- At the end of the letter, mention your contact number and your email address. Tell them that they can contact you at any time and you will definitely help them, if they need any kind of aid or assistance.
Adieu Letter Sample
Hello Everyone, Tomorrow is my last working day in this company. Next month onwards, I will be joining ABC company. Hence, I want to take this opportunity to say goodbye to each and everyone of you. The years I have worked here are very special, and each one of you have helped to make it so. With your encouragement and support, I not only performed my best, but also learned so many new things. I genuinely thank and appreciate the affection and camaraderie that you all have shown to me. I will really appreciate if you keep in touch with me. You can contact me either on my email address ([email protected]) or at my home, xxx-xxx-xxx. I wish you all best wishes for a successful future. Thank you for everything. Yours truly, (xyz) |
A parting letter is a good way to bid adieu to your colleagues by thanking them, but also a great way to mend certain problematic working relationships in a good note.