Are you looking for the basic format of an experience certificate? The following Workspirited article will help you with tips to draft a proper certificate.
An experience certificate is a letter that is written by the employer on behalf of an employee to confirm the time the employee was associated with the company, attesting the skills and contributions the latter made towards the growth of the organization. It can be looked at as the shorter version of a reference letter that helps future employers of a given candidate to ascertain whether it is a safe bet to employ him or not. Not only is the experience certificate a very important document when it comes to the closing formalities of an individual with a particular organization, it conveys the most basic work ethics and strengths of the individual to his future employers.
Components of an Experience Certificate
There are certain absolutes that people seek when they go through an experience letter. This certificate has a proforma that can be molded as per the convention of a given organization. However, being a formal and official document, it has to have certain elements in order for the bearer to be able to reap its benefits optimally. Here are certain pointers that should be kept in mind while composing an experience certificate.
» The date of issuance of the document at the top right corner.
» The declaration ‘To Whom It May Concern‘ on the certificate, below the date line. It is important to write an unspecific salutation as the person may make copies of the certificate and provide it as a reference to various prospective employers.
» The full name of the employee.
» The exact designation of the employee.
» The exact tenure of the employee with the company.
The next paragraph should include:
» A description of the work habits and resourcefulness of the employee. The strengths of the employee should be emphasized upon in a crisp and unbiased manner. Flowery adjectives that are subjective should be kept away from.
» The closing sentence should be a summarization of the organization’s objective impressions of the employee.
» The certificate should end with ‘We wish him every success in life‘, ‘We wish him luck to be successful at any endeavor he embarks upon in future‘, or something along similar lines.
» ‘Regards or ‘Sincerely‘ followed by the signature, name of signatory, designation of signatory, company seal, name and address of the organization.
A very important point to be always kept in mind by the employer while preparing this document and by an employee while receiving it is that an experience certificate always has to be printed on the company letterhead and signed either digitally or by hand by an administrative official of the company.
Examples of Experience Certificates
Format #1 |
(To be submitted on company letterhead)
Date: ……………….
This is to certify that Mr./Mrs./Ms. …………………………………, son/daughter of Mr. ……………………………….., has served in the organization since ……………………… as …………………… [Designation] in the supervisory/management cadre. His/her highest qualification is [Degree/Diploma] from [University/Board] as per records held by the organization. [Name and Signature of Candidate] [Name and Signature of Authorized Signatory]
[Designation] [Organization Seal] |
Format #2 |
Date: …………….
It is our pleasure to write about Mr./Mrs./Ms. ______________, son/daughter of Mr. _________, who has worked with [name of organization] in the capacity of [Position] for …… years/months [from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy]. During the aforementioned tenure of his/her work here, Mr./Mrs./Ms. _______________ remained involved in his/her work with determination and sincerity. We found him/her active and competent in executing all assigned tasks. He/she is professionally sound, hard-working, and a devoted and motivated employee whose dedication in taking initiative and contribution for the realization of organizational goals and objectives has proven helpful in the advancement of our establishment repeatedly. Moreover, Mr./Mrs./Ms. ______________’s conduct during his/her stay with us is exemplary. During his/her service period, he/she has been found sincere, reliable, trustworthy, sociable, pleasant, and open to challenges. He/she has a genial temperament and can efficiently work in and lead a team. His/Her decision to terminate his/her services with us is solely his/her own and we wish him/her all the best in his/her future endeavors. Sincerely, [Name and Signature of Authorized Signatory] [Designation] [Organization Seal] |
Format #3 |
Date: …………….
This is to certify that Mr./Mrs./Ms. ……………………………. has been an employee of this Co/Org/Est from ………… [date] to …………. [date] and has served in the following positions. 1. From [date] ………….. to [date] ………….. : [Designation] 2. From [date] ………….. to [date] ………….. : [Designation] 3. From [date] ………….. to [date] ………….. : [Designation] During this period we have observed him/her to be a motivated, competent, and thorough professional. Owing to his commitment, conscientious contribution, and dedication towards the progress of the organization over his years of service here, we wish him success in his endeavors. He/She has been relieved from his/her services as per the rules and conventions of the Organization. We wish him/her every success in all his/her future endeavors. [Name and Signature of Personnel/HRD Manager] [Organization Seal] |
Format for Green Card Application |
American Consulate General, [Name of City], TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN
Re: Employment Verification for [name of applicant] Dear Sir/Madam, This letter is to confirm that [name of applicant] is employed with [name of company] since [date of joining] as a full-time employee. He/she holds the post of [designation]. His/her annual salary is USD ####. Please feel free to contact us for any further information for your perusal. Sincerely, [Name and Signature of Personnel/CEO] [Organization Seal] |
An experience certificate has to be to the point, concise, crisp, and very professional. Since it determines the professional future of a candidate to a good extent, these qualities are non-negotiable.