EKG technician salary coupled with growth opportunities in the health care units have made the job of EKG technicians a good option to kick start a flourishing medical career. This article acquaints you with more details about various facets of EKG technician jobs…
Seeking medical assistance in times of emergency is extremely essential to safeguard the lives of patients. While medical experts are not less than God when it comes to saving lives, the medical assistants who are constantly along with the doctors play a pivotal role in managing the health of the patient. Yes, medical assistants have various job profiles and terms, however the crux of each of their jobs is to help the surgeons in taking adequate care of the patient’s health.
From laboratories to testing machines, medical assistants help the senior doctors. A similar type of medical jobs is that of EKG technicians who are the medical professionals who are linked to the tasks associated with the checking of the cardiovascular system of the body. A job offering good career opportunities to learn the basics of working at the hospital level, the job of EKG technicians is helpful for medical students who wish to enter the medical field for some part-time work and good work experience. The salary is quite compatible with the level of educational qualification one has while applying for this job. Many medical students and people seeking for early jobs in the medical field have a better chance to make a handy earning through this career.
EKG Technician Job Description
Medically, technicians are required in laboratories and pathologies for helping the patients in carrying out the testing procedures. EKG or Electrocardiograph technicians are the ones who are responsible for analyzing and studying the electrical impulses send by the heart. The EKG technicians attach electrodes to the patient’s chest, arms, hands, legs and then they have to submit the reports to the medical expert about the electrical impulse charts that convey rich information about the patient’s health. This is very common procedure that is performed on patients who are middle-aged and have heart related problems. The advanced trainings to the EKG technicians gives them the ability to perform tests like Holter monitoring and stress testing. In the holtor monitoring test, the electrodes are attached to the patient’s belts and the EKG technician monitors the patient’s health on 24 hour basis.
Education Requirements
To become an EKG technician, the candidates must prepare since their high school and must take up courses in biology, algebra, health occupations, physical education, computers and emergency medical supervision. A high school diploma is essential for candidates to pursue the training course in this field.
In the start of the 3 to 6 months, the EKG technicians are trained under the able guidance of an expert EKG technician. Some programs offer degree in associate’s degree and board certification. The scope of earning better salary increases with higher degrees. If you’ve already worked in some hospital jobs as a nurse or a medical assistant, then your employer can also train you for this job to upgrade your skills.
Average Salary
Various factors are taken into account when we consider the salary of these technicians. Some of these are the educational qualifications, work experience, location of the place and the extent of job (part-time or full-time). The EKG technicians are paid on hourly basis as they work in shifts. The EKG technicians having a work experience of less than a year earn anywhere between USD 9 to USD 15 per hour.
The salary for the technicians having a work experience in between one to four years is USD 10 to USD 16 per hour. The EKG technicians who have work experience of some five plus years can earn between USD 10 to USD 18 per hour. The salary range is dependent on various factors and so one must expect fluctuations in the salaries depending on various parameters. When viewed annually, the salary can be as low as USD 25,000 to as high as USD 65,000.
The career development path for the EKG technicians is full of various growth opportunities offering you to learn various facets of the basic medical assistant job at the hospital level. Though, in the initial years, you may not have some large monetary benefits, the tips and learning you get will be immensely helpful in the further advancement of your career.