There are different types of counselors. This write-up will look into the salary range and other aspects of the main types. Have a look…
The job of a counselor is one which is gaining more and more prominence in society. Why? Because a lot of people around the world are realizing the importance of a person who helps bring sanity into their lives, help them understand themselves, and help them take better decisions in all walks of life. There are different kinds of counselors who help you in different spheres of life.
School Counselor
School counselors look after the students of a school and see that they do not have any behavioral issues. In case there are any problem children in a school, these counselors haul them in and conduct therapy sessions, so that their problems are addressed. School counselors also act as guides to school students and help them pick a career based on their areas of interest. They also specify the career path in each sector to the students, and give them valuable guidance on what they should do in the future. The salary really depends a lot on his experience and the reputation of the school employing him. The median annual earnings of a school counselor is said to be around $$45,000.
Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselor
There are a lot of people who have to battle with problems like drug and alcohol addiction. These people visit substance abuse counselors for therapy. Behavioral disorder too can be clubbed with substance disorders. Gambling and eating disorders are also disorders of the mind, and are related to addiction to gambling and eating or not eating food. These counselors help people beat their addictions by conducting therapy sessions and convincing the addicts that they can lead a healthy life. The median salary for this type of counselor is $35,000.
Mental Health Counselor
These counselors work with people who have mental health problems and anti-social tendencies. Usually, their patients include people with suicidal tendencies, extreme fits of rage, self-esteem issues, depression, and stress management issues. Mental health counselors have a really tough job of dealing with people with serious issues, who perceive things a little differently than they should. They help set right all of these problems, and for their work, they earn a median salary of $35,000.
Marriage and Family Counselor
We all have heard and know about marriage and family counselors. These counselors help people who are having some kind of trouble in their relationships. When couples are on the verge of getting a divorce, they may be prescribed a few sessions with a marriage counselor who can, perhaps, help them set their marriage right. The counselor holds sessions for couples where they can talk and discuss their issues, and hence solve their marital problems. The family counselor does the same work for deteriorated relationships between parents and children. The median salary is said to be around $40,000.
The job of a counselor can be tough and demanding. A counselor has to often deal with a lot of people and set their thinking right.
Disclaimer: Salaries are approximate, and will vary according to location, experience, and type of employment.