Cosmetology is one of the fascinating and lucrative career options. The article is a short analysis of the resume of a cosmetologist that would prove helpful to aspiring candidates of cosmetology.
The primary duty of a cosmetologist is to help people look beautiful by accentuating their features using various products and techniques. Cosmetologists are beauty experts; they have deep knowledge of various beauty products and procedures. Hair dressers, makeup artists, skin care experts, beauty product makers, shampooers, etc., are all job titles of the cosmetology profession. Ideally, a cosmetologist possesses expertise in all these areas. He or she has to role switch or specialize in any of the field when working. Cosmetology is a fancy career and thus many individuals look to become cosmetologists. There is also never a dearth of jobs in this field; in fact, the demand for them has always seen an upward trend. They generally work in beauty salons, spas, departmental stores, cosmetic store chains, or sometimes, are self employed.
To become a cosmetologist, you will have to clear some short term courses that would thoroughly give you knowledge of the various beauty techniques. There are many cosmetology schools that offer certificate courses that are for the duration of 1 or 2 years. A certificate from a recognized cosmetology school will make it a lot easier for you to get a job. The significance of a resume also cannot be sidelined. You will have to present a resume for any job interview; an interview is incomplete without a resume. A resume or curriculum vita (CV) is a brief but to-the-point description of the professional journey of the candidate. The recruiter browses through the details of your resume, and then questions you based on the details provided. Resume also reveals a lot about you to the recruiter. It should thus be designed effectively. Take a look at the sample resume given below for a basic idea of the content that should be written and also the formatting.
Sample Resume
Sasha David C-12, Parkway Street Los Angeles 123-123-123 [email protected] Objective An ambitious and skilled individual seeks position as a senior cosmetologist in an organization that provides a challenging and creative work environment. Skills
Work Experience Unleash Beauty Providers, Cosmetologist, 2007 to present.
Just4you Beauty Salon, Junior Makeup Artist, 2005-07.
Educational Qualifications
Personal Details
Cover Letter Sample
A cover letter is usually attached with the resume and is a short means of communication with your recruiter. The sample provided below will give you a detailed idea of the letter.
Sasha David C-12, Parkway Street Los Angeles 123-123-123 [email protected] To (Date) Subject: Application for the post of Senior Cosmetologist. To Whomsoever It May Concern This letter is in response to your advertisement published in the Sunday morning Herald dated_____ (date) about the opening of the post of a senior cosmetologist. Through this letter, I would like to convey my interest for the post. I have the requisite amount of experience, and I have previously worked as a cosmetologist in a reputed organization. The six years of work experience have sharpened my skills as a cosmetologist, especially as a skin care expert. Cosmetology has always been my passion, and I like to keep myself abreast with the latest trends on the fashion scene. I sincerely believe that my creative instinct and experience in the cosmetology field would do full justice to the post. If you consider me worthy for the post, do let me know. I have mentioned all my contact details in the letter. Thanking you. Sincerely, Sasha David Encl.: Resume. |
Hopefully, the resume and cover letter samples will help you in getting the job you deserve. All the best!