Knowing different communication styles in the workplace can be really helpful for you to convey your ideas or views efficaciously. This article mainly focuses on some workplace communication styles to help you communicate better at work…
All professionals working in the corporate world know the importance of communication in business. Effective interpersonal communication in the workplace plays a very significant role in the smooth running of any business. People who do not have good communication skills are more likely to face tough communication challenges in the workplace. If there is no efficient and clear impartation of information in a company, there can be a lack of understanding which can have an adverse effect on the deliverables, thus leading to a loss in productivity. If one has to survive in the corporate world, he has to have an idea of the different communication styles in the workplace.
Determinants of Communications Styles
There are different categories that are given to communication styles in business. Throughout the years, corporate researchers have come up with several different classes of communication which individuals fall into. However, according to most of the researchers, these various communication classes are based on two typical aspects. These aspects include the individual’s level of receptiveness and the level of straightness.
You can easily find out about the individual’s level of receptiveness by noticing how much he speaks about himself. Persons who are veritably receptive prefer to share information and are comfortable with emotions. They normally talk with expressions and mix up soon with new people. On the other hand, there are individuals who are kind of reserved. These people do not prefer to show their feelings, thoughts, and emotions to others. Regarding straightforwardness, you can find out in which category a person falls by the way he talks, how willing he is to take chances, and what kind of mannerisms he possesses. Straightforward people prefer to take the initiative and charge of situations, whereas those who are indirect choose to stay away from risks, and value security and heedful planning.
Communication Styles According to Types of Individuals
The following is a detailed explanation of communication styles of men and women in businesses. The four classes of communicators would make it simpler for you to know the different communication styles in the workplace.
People who are receptive express their emotions and feelings in a free manner. They prefer to have an informal conversation before getting into actual business activities. This includes getting to know business partners and important corporate personnel in the practice, or frequently having personal souvenirs or pictures on display. If you are in conversation with a receptive communicator, it is recommended to ask few informal questions first and then start with business communication.
These types of communicators do not like to let other people know about their personal life. They are very reserved, and do not prefer to share personal information and how do they think about things. If you are an open communicator, and are speaking to such kind of people, you need to remember that asking a personal question will make them feel uneasy. Such people are usually busy doing work and do not participate in workplace communication activities.
The talk of these individuals is very slow and intentional. They do not like loud, fast, and excessively aggressive talk. In addition, they concentrate more on the facts and figures, rather than just assumptions. If you are in conversation with an indirect communicator, you need to understand that you should have proof for backing up your suggestions, answers, and views.
Individuals who are direct talk more clamorously and rapidly than indirect communicators. They take risks easily, are aggressively self-assured, and are related to ‘type A’ personalities. If you are in conversation with a direct communicator, just ensure that you get to the point straightaway, be confident about what you say, provide solid instances of your achievements, and be alert when you talk.
These types of communicators would have given you an idea of the different communication styles in the workplace. If you want to be an effective communicator, you need to adjust your talk according to the type of person you are talking to.