An appointment letter is a crucial part of the hiring process. Here we give you an appointment letter format, which you can use while issuing an appointment letter to your newly hired employees. Read on…
There are several ways of writing an appointment letter and it depends on the kind of polices you follow in your organization. It is issued after an offer letter has been given and it is the next step of communication between an employer and employee. It is a sort of guarantee that the employer has accepted the services of an employee. The format of the letter should be clear and precise and you need to choose the best words and phrases which would clearly convey the terms and conditions of employment, while writing an appointment letter.
About Appointment Letter
The format used can vary a great deal, as there may be a number of terms and conditions of employment. There are times when an employee has to sign a bond, which states the security amount that an employee has to pay if he or she leaves the company before the stated period. The letter of appointment is always drafted on the letterhead of the company with its contact number, address and the logo. The letter should state the date on which the prospective employee would join along with his or her name and address which has been provided in the application letter. The heading should be bold, in capital letters and is commonly placed at the center of the letter head.
At the start of the letter, the employee should be informed of the position which he or she has been appointed for. Moreover, it should also mention the date by which the applicant should sign and return a copy of the letter, to confirm his or her acceptance. Next, follows the terms and conditions and company policy. One of the most common statements which you should include is that he or she would be subject to be transferred or deployed in any area which the company deems fit. The letter should be signed by an executive who is authorized to hire and fire an employee and it is usually the Managing Director or CEO of the company.
Appointment Letter Template
Letter of Appointment
Reference: Date: Dear, (Name of the Applicant) Address: (The applicant’s address) We are pleased to welcome you to (name of the company) as a (designation of the candidate). We are eager to have you work with us on such an important assessment. We see your skills as a value addition to our company and our clients. You would be appointed as a (designation) and your date of joining would be (mention the date). Remuneration Probation Place of Work Leave During your stint with the company, you are duty-bound to commit your time completely to the work of the company. Moreover, you would not take up any other assignment, whether full-time, part-time or honorary, or in cash or in kind, without prior intimation and written approval from the company. Please return a signed copy of this letter, which would signify your acceptance. Once again we welcome you to (company name) and look forward to have a fruitful association with you. With Best Wishes, For (Name of the company), (Signature of the Personnel Manager) Name of the Person, |
So, an appointment letter format should be precise and to the point. The format given above can be followed after changing the wordings and adding certain policies which you may be following.