Yard sales are a great way to get rid of unwanted items in your home. Putting up the correct advertisement, is however, an important part of a sale. This article tells you how to make the signs on your own.
A yard or garage sale is indeed a great way of making some quick money. The number of people who might turn up, largely depends on how well you’ve advertised about the sale. One of the best yard sale tips, is putting an ad in the local newspaper. This way, it reaches a large number of people, without much effort on your part. You must also consider putting yard sale signs at strategic places, so that people can easily remember the details.
Make Your Own Yard Sale Signs
For this, you will need markers, large poster sheets, and craft paint. Write the words ‘YARD SALE’ in a large font on the poster sheets, so that they are visible, even from a distance. Choose a black marker or a dark shade of craft paint to write the letters on the poster sheet. Below it, write the date of the yard sale and the address of the location. You can use red or any other bold color to write these details. If you wish, you may also name a few items that you will be putting up for sale. However, do not go overboard with the list.
Printable Garage Sale Signs
The best way to advertise for a yard sale without spending too much, is by opting for printable signs. You can find many printable templates online, that can also be customized as per your requirements. These websites allow you to create attractive-looking signs, including a few graphic options, as well. You can also use directional arrows on the posters to help customers find you. Once you are done with all the editing work, select an appropriate poster size and take a printout, preferably on a thick cardboard-like sheet, so as to place it as a directional sign. Alternatively, you can also take the printouts on normal paper so that you can hand them out as advertisement flyers.
- Since most people will be driving past your sign, you need to make one that is textually clutter-free and readable.
- Avoid the temptation to reveal too many details, as this will kill the curiosity of your potential buyers.
- Select appropriate places to put up your signs. Busy streets, junctions, or any other place near your house which is fairly crowded, can serve the purpose well.
- Make sure that the message is clean and clear with accurate information.
Yard sale signs are a certain way to pull in a crowd and increase your profit. Hence, pay extra attention to your signs, even if you have to work a bit harder.