As a powerful publicity technique, fundraising posters should capture a donor’s attention and raise interest. If you have a fundraiser that requires a thought-provoking poster, MarketingWit has provided 7 amazing poster samples that will fetch you best results.
“Fundraisers should use pride, not apology, when asking for a gift for a charity that is doing good work.”
― Henry Rosso
Being responsible to raise money for your business or an organization is a task that cannot be taken lightly. And to accomplish your goals, it is essential to come up with a fundraising idea that increases your probability of success.
In order to reach maximum number of donors, via the traditional method, putting up posters is the perfect technique. So, the first thing to concentrate on is finalizing a template that will get your message across or explain your cause easily.
Keeping this in mind, we have provided 7 poster samples for a variety of events. Take inspiration from these amazing poster ideas for your next fundraising event.
How to Make a Good Fundraiser Poster
To create a great poster for your event and inspire people to take action, follow these 4 simple steps.
1. Know the purpose of your fundraiser in order to design the poster and include the necessary information.
- The issue the event will highlight
- The date, time, and venue of the event
- The reason for raising money and awareness
- Information about the contact person/group for additional information
- Additional support or participation by donors
2 . Showcase your creativity by using catchy slogans, colors, images, theme, etc. while finalizing a layout for the posters.
3. Search for a local printing company who can donate their printing services for your event.
4. Print your posters on recycled paper in order to keep your costs low.
7 Fundraiser Poster Ideas
Before you finalize a concept and design, make sure that your posters are easy on the eyes. Messy, chaotic, and irrelevant information can easily turn off potential donors as they may judge what your fundraiser may be like depending on the posters.
Relay for Life Fundraiser BBQ Poster

This poster can work for either a Relay for Life or Cancer Awareness fundraiser. Mention names of all the organizations affiliated with the event so that the donors will recognize it as genuine. Also, if you’re targeting a specific cause, you will have to utilize colors, patterns, and fonts associated with particular event/disease awareness.
5k Walk/Run Fundraiser Poster for Animal Shelter

Using pictures of actual animals from the shelter and placing them on the posters will get you public sympathy and attention. However, the information on the posters shouldn’t make everyone feel guilty about not being a part of your cause from the get-go. Instead, you want them to believe that they have to to get involved and that they can make a difference.
Community Car Wash Fundraiser Poster for Families in Need

A car wash fundraiser is perhaps the most popular method of raising money and/or awareness. Everybody gets their cars washed; either at a local gas station or by themselves. But, your task is to make the donors want to spend a little extra this time around for the event. Offer refreshments or use some other marketing tactics to get their attention and stop by at the fundraiser.
Drive-in Movie Fundraiser Poster for a Community Center

If a community center is facing closer, organizing a fundraiser is your best bet. The posters you send out should not only excite people to want to be a part of the event, but also be passionate about saving the center.
Bake Sale Fundraiser Poster for Troops

Many organizations send care packages to troops overseas. Apart from covering the shipping costs received by donors, a fundraiser can also focus on adding more items in the individual packages. Mentioning the extent of donations, monetary or other items, in the posters is essential.
Stand-up Comedy Fundraiser Poster for a Homeless Shelter

Spending an evening that is filled with laughter is a good way to attract donors. The content on the posters needs to catch everyone’s attention, so use of casual and quirky font is advisable.
Jazz Concert Fundraiser Poster for Hurricane Relief

Something similar to a drive-in movie or stand-up comedy show fundraiser, a jazz concert too can attract a lot of donors. Make sure that you list the names of all the musicians that are going to play at the event. This way, you can ensure that the fans of those musicians will definitely attend the event and make a handsome donation.
A letter for your donors.
Cash donations – It is essential to provide a receipt to every donor. If there were multiple gifts/donations made, send an itemized letter mentioning the same.
Non-cash donations – A letter that has information about the donor’s gift along with its market value should be sent.
Regardless of the type of donation, you should write a thank you letter on a letterhead, and send them to all the donors.
With any fundraising event, the focus should not be on pleasing the donors to get them to donate loads of money; it should be about invoking a sense of responsibility and passion, and a connection with you and the cause. So, plan your event keeping these important factors in mind, and we hope that you have a thriving fundraiser every time.